Unable to start/stop Host Instances from BizTalk360 and Unknown host instance status
  • 05 Apr 2022
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Unable to start/stop Host Instances from BizTalk360 and Unknown host instance status

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Article Summary

BizTalk360 service account would not be able to start/stop Host Instances from BizTalk360, Administration -> Infrastructure settings -> Host Instances.


In some cases, the host instance status would show as 'Unknown' in BizTalk360 eventhough they are running in the BizTalk admin console.


The first step to check for this case would be:

Open BizTalk Admin console from the BizTalk360 machine as the BizTalk360 service account user and try to start/stop host instance. If the user is able to perform these operations in the Admin console, but not from BizTalk360, then follow the below solution.


  1. Add the BizTalk360 user as Local Administator in all the BizTalk server machines
  2. Add the BizTalk360 user as SuperUser in BizTalk360 -> User Access Policy
  3. For the above changes to take effect, IIS reset must be done from an elevated command prompt

By doing these changes, the user can now start/stop host instances from BizTalk360 and also view the correct status of the host instances.

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