- 25 Nov 2021
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Manage Polling Interval
- Updated on 25 Nov 2021
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The BizTalk360 monitoring service collects data with a frequency of once per minute. The frequency of the monitoring polling interval can be controlled by setting the Polling Interval for the specific modules. This will, in turn, optimize the performance of the monitoring service run per cycle. The polling frequency of data collection can be configured to values between 1 to 60 minutes. The default value is 1 minute.
The polling interval can be set for the below modules:
- Logic Apps
- API Apps
- Web Endpoint
- File
- Azure Service Bus Queue
- IBM queue
- Database Query
BizTalk360 allows you to set different polling intervals for the same category of components in different environments. For Instance, consider, there are two environments configured for monitoring in BizTalk360 and you want to check the status of specific components in both environments. Say 1 environment every 15 mins and in another environment every 20 mins. The first environment will collect the monitoring data for the configured modules once in 15 mins and the other in 20 mins.
Follow the below steps to configure Polling Intervals:
Log in to the BizTalk360 application
Select the environment for which you want to manage polling intervals
Select Environment settings located at the bottom of the page
Expand Monitoring and select Manage Polling Interval
By Default, the Polling Interval is 1 minute for all the modules and that value is configurable as per the business need
Click Save