Azure ServiceBus Operations
  • 29 May 2024
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Azure ServiceBus Operations

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Article summary

BizTalk is exceptionally well-suited for integration scenarios, serving both on-premises and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environments seamlessly. It achieves this by leveraging a range of built-in adapters such as Logic App, SB-Messaging, Event Hub, Blob Storage, and more, to seamlessly integrate with various cloud services.

Azure Service Bus is a cloud-based messaging platform. It's one of the services in the Azure cloud platform, and it allows users to build highly scalable distributed systems that can send messages between applications or devices. For example, let's say if users want to add an IoT device to your application so it can perform automated tasks based on sensor input. Users could use Azure Service Bus to send those messages from their app to the IoT device. Azure Service Bus uses Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) for its communication protocol, which was created specifically for interoperability between systems running on different platforms and environments.

The introduction of Service Bus Queue and Topics Administration in BizTalk360 represents a significant enhancement in support for hybrid integration scenarios. This feature facilitates users to effectively manage the state and messages within queues configured within their subscriptions.

With this capability, users gain control over the queues and topics hosted within their Azure Service Bus environment directly from the BizTalk360. Users can perform various operations, such as monitoring message queues, viewing message details, managing subscriptions, and handling message states. 

Overall, the integration of Service Bus Queue and Topics Operations within BizTalk360 extends its capabilities to facilitate the management of Azure Service Bus resources, thereby eases users to handle hybrid integration tasks and gives them more control over their messaging setup. 

This section contains articles that provide further information about Service Bus Queues and Topics, helping users gain a better understanding of these features.

The Azure Services Feature is exclusively available to users who have a Platinum License Tier.

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