• 27 Jun 2024
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Article summary

Due to the licensing restrictions of BHM, BizTalk360 does not bundle BizTalk Health Monitor (BHM) during installation. Therefore, administrators must manually install BHM separately on the server where BizTalk360 is installed.
 Follow the steps as shown below to configure BHM:

  • Download BHM Version 4 from this link.
  • Extract the files to your preferred location in the server where BizTalk360 is installed.
  • Run BHMSetup.exe
  • Once the installation is complete, Run the BizTalkHealthMonitor.msc file from the installed folder.
  • Click Analyse Now button in the BizTalk Health Monitor MMC Snap-in window.

Monitor multiple BizTalk Environments

The BHM Snap-in allows monitoring multiple BizTalk environments from a single MMC. When you register BHM on a BizTalk server, by default it will add one “group” node representing the current BizTalk group. You can, however, add additional nodes corresponding to different BizTalk groups by specifying its name, the location, and the name of its management database and the output folder.


Each group node will have its own customized settings in terms of the level of information to collect, its level of information to display, its type of notifications to enable, and its type of performance data to collect.

Profile's Configuration in BizTalk360

Once BHM is installed in the server where BizTalk360 is running, the administrator needs to configure the integration with BizTalk360. You need to run the BHM from BizTalk360 under the "BizTalk Health Monitor (Reports)" section once you have configured BHM in the System settings screen.

Follow the steps as shown below to set up the integration:

  1. Log in to the application (as a Superuser)
  2. Select the environment from the environmental panel.
  3. Select Monitoring -> Manage Mapping -> BizTalk Environment -> BHM. 
  4. Click on the Configure now link.
  5. BizTalk Health Monitor Download Directory - Mention the path (the path used in 'Run' to open)

Once BHM is installed on the server where BizTalk360 is running, the administrator needs to configure the integration with BizTalk360.
 To be able to monitor the output of BHM runs in BizTalk360, you need to have BHM configured in the System settings screen.

  1. To schedule Execution – Select the BHM_Profile from the drop-down for which the BHM execution has to be scheduled. 
  2. Day/Time - Select the day and time when the BHM should run automatically. For example, selecting Monday to Sunday at 0500 hrs means that the BizTalk Health Monitor will run every day at 0500 hrs and click Save.
  3. Select BizTalk360 Health, navigate to 'Monitoring Service Status' and observe if any exception is appearing in the exception column for BHM Schedule
  4. If any EULA-related exception appears in the process, go to the below section and install the BHM_EULA.reg in the server where BHM is installed.
  5. Verify once again the exception is not appearing on the BHM Console
  6. Restart the BizTalk360 Monitoring service under services.msc. Now the BHM data will automatically be collected.
In the latest version of BizTalk360 you can monitor the multiple BHM_Profile which are configured in the Environment Settings -> General -> BizTalkHeatlhMonitor.

Configuring the BHM Profiles in BizTalk360 Monitoring

In BizTalk360 users can be able to map one or more profiles against an alarm to set the threshold of critical or non-critical error. In the Monitoring section, all the BHM profiles will be listed (which are configured in the BHM environment settings). 

  1. Click any one profile's row from the list.
  2. In the BHM Profile Monitoring blade provide the threshold of critical or non-critical error.
  3. Click on Save.
  4. If the threshold conditions meet the actual value, the status of the Profile will be shown in the status bar.
  5. We can be able to map multiple profiles in the same alarm.

If any EULA-related exception appears in the process, check the below section and add the BHM Registry keys in the server where BHM is installed.

  • Verify once again if the exception is not appearing on the BHM Console
  • Restart the BizTalk360 Monitoring service under services. msc. Now the BHM data will automatically be collected BizTalk Health Monitor, which just has been installed on the BizTalk360 server, needs to be configured in BizTalk360. Further, a schedule must be set up, to run BHM twice per business day; at 9:00 AM and at 6:00 PM.
Once the user is upgraded to the V10.1 or higher version the previously monitored BHM_Profile will be monitored in the name of BizTalk360SystemProfiles.


This issue mainly happens on a 64-bit machine. When you accept the EULA displayed by BHM, it writes the acceptance setting in the 64-bit registry hive.


But BizTalk360 is 32-bit due to restrictions imposed by dependency objects like ExplorerOM, hence it always looks at the 32-bit hive (WoW64 in a 64-bit machine). To fix this issue, please create the following entry in the registry.


You can create the above keys by opening regedit.exe ("Run as Administrator").

BHM monitoring in High Availability

Large enterprises will have one or more sets of deployed BizTalk environments. In this scenario, an organization heavily relies on BizTalk360 Monitoring services to monitor their BizTalk Server environment and critical business processes. They need high availability to ensure continuous monitoring and timely alerting in case of any issues. 

In high availability scenario, the BizTalk360 Monitoring service will collect the profiles from the respective environment. During monitoring, the monitoring service will check the report which is generated at the latest. For instance, when a BHM profile is created in two different servers to maintain the health of the environment. Even when the most recent report generation server is not in an active state, BizTalk360 can monitor the BHM profile with the latest generated report.

Dashboard and Notifications

Once the BHM profiles are mapped for monitoring, the health status of it will be shown in dashboard in a graphical tree view.  If the profile mapped is violated, it will be listed in the errors and warnings along with the associated alarms. You can also navigate to the respective profile on clicking them. 

In order to receive email notifications from BizTalk360 on the threshold violation alerts (and auto-correction alerts), you need to configure the SMTP settings under BizTalk360 Settings. Follow the steps in this article to be able to configure the SMTP settings in BizTalk360. You will receive an email notification with the exact details of the status of the BHM profiles.

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