Configure PowerShell Channel
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Configure PowerShell Channel

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Article summary

Adding to the already existing list of notification channels available for BizTalk360, BizTalk360 also has integration with PowerShell. Thereby it allows you to execute a PowerShell script each time an alarm is triggered when the threshold is crossed. This enables the user to perform some tasks via a PowerShell script each time the alarm was triggered.

Setting up a PowerShell notification in BizTalk360 requires the following steps:

Create the PowerShell Script

  1. Create the script in a plain text editor such as Notepad and save with a .PS1file extension (for example, myscript.ps1).
  2. Run the script by entering the full path to the script (c:/scripts/myscript.ps1), or if it's in the current directory, prefix it with a period followed by a backslash (./myscript.ps1 ).

Configuring the PowerShell Notification Channel in BizTalk360

  • You can find the PowerShell Notification Channel under Settings -> Notifications -> Notification Channels. Select B360.Notifier.PowerShellNotification.
  • Click “Edit” to open the configuration panel.

During the configuration, provide the path along with the file name where the PowerShell script is present.

  • In the Alarm section (Monitoring -> Manage Alarms) when you edit the alarm, enable the PowerShell notifications channel using the slider (No need to provide the path once again, unless you wish to override the script provided in the settings page)

Whenever the violation appears, it will trigger the notification channel and it will hit the PowerShell script.
Here in the sample PowerShell script, we have included some basic code to restart the BizTalk360 analytics service, but you can include more complex code to perform any actions via a PowerShell script.
Thus, we have added to our already growing set of notifications available on BizTalk360. This can also be considered as an action to be carried out if the alarms are triggered.

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