  • 14 May 2024
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Article summary

A vital part of Data Monitoring is how can you see the information executed by BizTalk360. For that purpose, we provide the Data Monitoring dashboard. The first thing you need to look at is the List view, which will help you understand which data monitoring took place when. Below are the types of dashboards. 

  1. List view dashboard.
  2. Calendar view dashboard. 

List View Dashboard

 The first thing you need to look at is the grid view, which will help you understand which data monitoring took place when.

  • Red-colored days mean that at least one Data Monitor returned an error.
  • Amber-colored days mean that at least one Data Monitor returned a warning.
  • Green-colored days mean that all Data Monitors has run successfully.

You will see the day grid view, which lets you understand which data monitoring rules were executed and what was the result. Again, color coding is used for both the type of query (Process Monitoring, Message Box Monitoring, Tracking data Monitoring, etc.) and the result of the validation.

Calendar view Dashboard 

In this calendar dashboard, you can view the results of the schedule for multiple days in a single view with color code for better understanding.

  1. Click on the icon at the top right to switch the calendar view. The view has been segregated into 4 rows for an hour; by scrolling down you can view the results for the entire day. To give better visibility the monitor types are color-coded as below 
  2. The healthy and critical results are patched with red and green. You can hover and see the schedule basic details and the actual result count. However, to view detailed execution results click on the event node, which will open the result execution blade which holds configured query, Actual result, Start End Time, Threshold configuration, etc. 
  3. By default, last 500 records from each monitor type will be listed. Use the filter option to drill down the result, the filter can be applied for Alarm Name, Monitor Type, Schedule Name, and Schedule Status. For example, if you have a process monitoring schedule to check 10 files are getting transmitted between the ports every 15 mins. By using this filter, you can easily drill down and see during which period this file transfer was failed. Use the save option to persist the filter values applied.
  4. To quickly view the previous and next day's results use the navigation.
  5. By default, the current day result will be listed. you can view the consolidated result of the whole week or work week by using the below option.
  6. If you have more results then use the zoom in, zoom out option to view the result clearly.
  7. You can also pin the data monitoring dashboard as a widget to the analytics or administration dashboard for quick access.

Data Monitoring Dashboard Filters

The Data Monitoring Dashboard has an extended filtering feature that allows you to filter on the data monitoring status based on:

  • Alarm Name
  • Data Monitoring/Monitor type
  • Schedule Name
  • Alarm Status
  • Date Range
  • Maximum records

When the user is directed to the data monitoring dashboard, by default, all the data will be displayed with the appropriate Status and Monitoring Types being enabled. Users can choose single or multiple alarms and/or status. Based on the selection, data will be displayed in the dashboard.

By default, the dashboard will be grouped by the 'Monitoring type', you can Drag a column header and drop it one the above grid to group by that column.

If you want to understand what happened for a particular execution, you can click on one of the entries in the day view of the dashboard, and the below window will be displayed.

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