Logic Apps
  • 06 May 2024
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Logic Apps

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Article summary

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud-based platform provided by Microsoft as part of the Azure suite of services. It allows users to automate workflows and integrate different applications, data sources, and services across cloud and on-premises environments without having to write extensive code. Business users can focus more on designing and implementing their solution's business logic and functionality, while spending less energy on figuring out how to access their resources.

Logic Apps bring speed and scalability into the enterprise integration space, it provides a way to simplify and implement scalable integrations and workflows in the cloud. Let us consider a scenario where an organization is managing the social media presence of a company and want to monitor brand mentions on various platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They also want to analyze the sentiment of these mentions and respond appropriately in real-time to maintain brand reputation.

In such case, they can use triggers specific to each social media platform to start the workflow whenever there's a new mention or post related to their brand. And connect to Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics API using a connector to perform sentiment analysis on the content of the social media mentions. Users can monitor the sentiment analysis and response workflow using BizTalk360 Azure Monitoring to track performance metrics such as response time, sentiment trends, and engagement levels. 

Considering the importance of Logic Apps, BizTalk360 offers out-of-box Azure Logic Apps Operations capabilities. Using this feature you can Operate, Manage, and Monitor Azure Logic Apps from a single place.

Setting up Alerts for Logic Apps

You can execute the following steps to set up an alert for Azure Logic Apps:

  • Log in to the BizTalk360 application.
  • Select the 'Environment'
  • Click 'Monitoring' in the navigation panel.
  • Click the expand button against the 'Manage Mapping' tab and select the 'Azure Services' link.
  • Select the Alarm name (Manage Alarms) from the drop-down for which you would like to associate the alerts.

  • Choose the Azure subscription from the drop-down
If there are no Azure subscriptions mapped to your environment, you will see a warning message as "No Azure Subscriptions Found/Enabled". In that case, from the landing page, you can go to Settings > General to Add/Enable an Azure subscription.
  • Select the 'Logic Apps' tab. This will list the Logic Apps that are created under the selected subscription.
  • Select the check box against the Logic App(s) you want to monitor.
  • From the 'Expected State' drop-down, choose the expected state of the Logic App in order to set up monitoring. Let's say, we expect the Logic App to be 'Enabled' at all time.

Setting the expected state will automatically start monitoring the Logic App. BizTalk360 monitoring service will automatically compare the current state of the Logic App with the expected state and display the status (as Healthy or Error). If the expected state matches the current state, you will notice the status of the Logic App as Healthy (in green color). If there is a state mismatch, the status of the Logic App will be displayed as Error (in red color).

Auto Correct functionality

To auto correct the state of the Logic App, select the check box against the Logic App and click the 'Auto Correct' box. Select 'Enable' from the drop-down. If at any time the current status of the Logic App becomes Disabled (opposite of the expected status), the auto correct logic will start functioning and the BizTalk360 monitoring service will try to automatically enable the Logic App (based on the number of retries defined in the Max Retry section).

  • In order to receive email notifications from BizTalk360 on the threshold violation alerts (and auto-correction alerts), you need to configure the SMTP settings under BizTalk360 Settings. Follow the steps in this article to be able to configure the SMTP settings in BizTalk360. You will receive an email notification with the exact details of the status of the Logic App with the auto-correction details (as shown in the email below)

  • The Monitoring Dashboard will reflect the health of the Azure services as shown in the image below.

How to Remove Orphaned Logic Apps

By chance when you rename or delete the Logic Apps that you are monitoring within an alarm will become Orphaned Logic Apps. Hence it will be shown as Orphaned in the User Interface and the status will become unhealthy. 

To resolve this unhealthy alarm state, you can remove the Orphaned Logics Apps, by selecting the "Remove Orphaned" option.

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