Score Card
  • 25 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Score Card

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Article summary

Advisor Score in BizTalk360 is to assess how efficiently you're utilizing the application in relation to the licenses you've purchased. This could help users to know that they are utilizing the features available in BizTalk360 efficiently. This also helps in maximizing the benefits of the application or if there are areas for improvement in usage optimization. 

Score Card Calculation

Advisor score is calculated based on BizTalk360 environment health and usage based on the licensing tier purchased by the users. 

Health Score is calculated by considering the below terms,

  • Monitoring and Analytics services status.
  • Violation occurred in any of the configured alarms.
  • Index goes beyond threshold in database maintenance.
  • SMTP email template is up to date.
  • Exception occurred in data purging sub service.

Usage score is calculated with feature configurations and operation performed. For instance, Configuring the health check alarm in your environment is one of the essential action items which helps to know your environment health status regularly. Once you configure the health alarm the respective action items will be removed and score will be increased. Like this we have set of intended action item for all the features against your licensing tier.

The color-coded patches to signify the importance level of each feature, users can quickly prioritize their actions. Providing direct links to feature documentation and routing options to access those features within the application streamlines the user experience and facilitates to increase the score of your environment.

These action items are taken based the below criteria.

  1. License access policy (example: EDI access in License).
  2. Features enabled at environment level (example:  EDI feature enable at Environment level).
  3. Feature used in BizTalk server (example:  EDI feature should be configured in BizTalk server).

Each actionable item has certain weightage based on the importance level like Low - 1(blue patch), Medium - 2(yellow patch), High - 3(Red Patch). Score will be calculated based on weightage points.

consider now your Overall score is 40% with Health is 76% and Usage is 24%. Your score is considerably lesser than average, and it needs to be increased by attaining the necessary actions like monitoring the application artifacts or set them with Do not monitor, so that your environment will not have any unmapped artifacts which looks healthy. By doing this now score will be increased.

In other cases, your business does not require the automated task currently and you may require in future. Still, you can increase the score by skipping this which will be maintained in separate grid for later purpose.

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