System Settings
  • 04 Jun 2024
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System Settings

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Article summary

In this article, we provide a detailed overview of the System Settings in BizTalk360. The common configurations updated in system settings will apply to all configured environments. These configurations include data access settings, date/time settings, cache settings under global configurations, as well as monitoring and notification settings.

Global Configuration 

To configure the global settings, navigate to Settings ->System Settings->Global configuration. 

1) Data Access Settings - This configuration is designed to facilitate a user-friendly experience for operations involving queries, downloading archive files to specific locations, displaying row counts for SQL queries, and general UI rendering options like pagination and URL access.

  • Max matches - These values define the number of results that can show up for different query types.
  • Service instances download location - The folder in the BizTalk360 server where service instance details can be saved from the Message Box queries. 
  • Secure SQL Row Count - The maximum number of records a Secure SQL Query can return. 
  • BizTalk60 Host URL - Update the URL where BizTalk360 is hosted. Which is used to redirect from email to the specific section in the application. 
  • Allow Stored Procedure Execution -By enabling/disabling this you can manage if any stored procedure can be executed from the Secure SQL query. By default, this will be enabled. 

2) Date Time Settings - The time zone and date time format configured here will be applied to all the features across the application, wherever date and time settings are used.

  • System Time Zone - Set up the system time zone based upon your requirements. 
  • System Date Time Format - Set up Date Time format based on need. 
  • From version 10.1 onward if any new user is created, the user will be assigned with the above-configured system time zone and date-time format by default. If they want, they can edit and modify in the user profile. 

3) Cache Settings - By default, the Active Directory cache is stored for 2 hours. Click the "Clear Cache" button to clear the Active Directory cache. If any user or group permissions are modified in the Active Directory, use this option to reflect the latest changes.

4) BizTalk Health Monitor - After BHM is installed and configured on the server where the BizTalk360 monitoring service is running, you need to provide the installation file location directory here for BHM integration.

5) Service Account Credentials - When dealing with lots of IBM queues, user might find difficult to provide account details for each one by hand. So, we have added an option in system settings where users can enter the service account credentials. Once the user adds the credentials here, it can be used in IBM MQ configuration for Monitoring. This configuration is also used to scan Best Practice Analyzer report.

6) Reports Archive Location - Whenever reports are generated, the report will be sent to the users via E-Mail. If users provide any path in this reports archive location, whenever reports are generated the PDF/Excel file will be saved to this location.

7) BizTalk360 Database Size - Health of the Database will be monitored based on the threshold values entered in this section.

Monitoring and Notification Settings

The configurations on the monitoring settings page are commonly used for setting monitoring thresholds and processing Data Monitoring schedules. The values configured in monitoring settings such as archive location, minimum frequency will be applied to all the data monitoring schedules and values such as Auto correct retry count and reset interval and number of threads will be applied to all the artifacts monitoring

  • Data monitoring archive location - You need to specify a valid file location in order to be able to archive the service instance information. 
  • Maximum number of attachments in email/download - You can increase the maximum number of attachments in email/download. 
  • Total file size allowed per email/download - You can set the maximum number of file size (MB) allowed per email/download. 
  • Email error description - List count - You can set the count of error description based on the list.
  • Email error description - Char count - You can set the count of error description based on the character count. 
  • Auto Correct Retry Count - Users can set the number of retries that must happen for auto correct. It is set to 5 by default.
  • Auto Correct Reset Interval - Users can set the time to reset it when the maximum limit is reached. However, it can be time-consuming to set the reset interval time for every configured auto correct. To overcome this, an option to set the default auto-correct reset interval is introduced in the System setting section. 
  • Enable Group by Description - Toggle the button to enable group by description. 
  • Data Monitoring Minimum Frequency - Users can set the minimum number of minutes that can be set as frequency for schedules.
  • Maximum number of threads per core - Users can specify the maximum number of threads per logical processor for monitoring services when there is High CPU usage.

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