Troubleshooting Installation Issues
  • 05 Jul 2024
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Troubleshooting Installation Issues

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Article summary


If the installation/upgrade of BizTalk360 fails, you might find the below exception in the installation log file.

WriteIIS7ConfigChanges:  Error 0x80070002: Site not found for create application.
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges:  Error 0x80070002: Failed to configure IIS application.
WriteIIS7ConfigChanges:  Error 0x80070002: WriteIIS7ConfigChanges Failed.

If the above exception exists in the installation log, feel free to follow the below mentioned instructions in order to overcome the challenge. 


1. Open IIS server manager from BizTalk360 server, go to Bindings section of BizTalk360 site.

2. If the bindings have domain name as host name either for HTTP or for HTTPS, Replace the host name for both HTTP and HTTPS bindings with * 

3. Once it is done, Reset IIS and then proceed with the installation/upgrade.

If the above suggestion does not work, feel free to remove the HTTPS binding and have the HTTP binding alone configured for Default Web site and BizTalk360 site, then reset the IIS and proceed with upgrading BizTalk360. 

Once the upgrade is successful, you can configure HTTPS binding back in IIS.

Supplied username/password is invalid

If you are installing BizTalk360 as a fresh installation in your server, you might get stuck in validating your password as shown below:


1. The first step you need to do is to ensure that you have logged into the BizTalk360 server with the BizTalk360 service account. If not, please do log in with the BizTalk360 service account and then proceed with installation. 

2. If the first step did not work, feel free to follow the silent installation mentioned in the document:

Note: The silent installation is recommended only for the fresh installation and not applicable for upgrade scenarios. 

Installer fails, Error: 'CREATE DATABASE failed':

If you are installing BizTalk360 and having SQL server with Mount Points, you will receive this exception at the Create database step.

This can occur, in spite of having all the permissions for the service account.


The workaround is to create the BizTalk360 database prior to the installation and then run the installer which would ask to overwrite the database, and then continue the installation process with no errors.

The error you will get in SQL when logged in as the service account and call CREATE DATABASE [BizTalk360] is:

“CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. 

This is because you are using SQL with Mount Points and are required to pass in the FILENAME parameter when using Mount Point.

However, if we call it this way, the database is created and we do not get any errors:

CREATE DATABASE [BizTalk360]ON  PRIMARY ( NAME = N'BizTalk360', FILENAME = N'D:\Data01\BizTalk360\BizTalk360.mdf'  )LOG ON ( NAME = N'BizTalk360_log', FILENAME = N'D:\Log01\BizTalk360\BizTalk360_log.ldf' )

Failed to create SQL database; BizTalk360, error detail: unknown error

During the installation of BizTalk360, you may face the below error. This error usually appears in the Multiserver environment due to the TLS version mismatch.


When you are installing the BizTalk360 in a multiserver environment, please check if the same version of the TLS has been enabled in all the machines. Example:

- The BizTalk Server 1 and BizTalk Server 2 are enabled with TLS Version 1.2

- On the SQL Server TLS Versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are enabled.

In the above case, the installation will fail, to overcome this case you have to disable the TLS versions 1.1 and 1.3 on the SQL Server, only Version 1.2 should be enabled. Either one version of the TLS should be enabled in all the servers or all should be disabled.

Once the same version of the TLS enabled in all the machines, try installing the BizTalk360, and you will succeed.

During upgrade BizTalk360 Monitor Service could not be deleted 

While upgrading to the latest version and running on "deleting services* for a few minutes then displays the error "Service 'BizTalk360 Monitor' (BizTalk360.Monitor.exe) could not be deleted.


This can be a cache issue or the services were running for a long time. You can select Ignore and proceed with the upgrade/installation. 

Note: Before upgrading to the latest version, it's important to check the health of the BizTalk360 services. To check the health, just restart/kill and start the services.

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