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Article summary

Release Date: 20th January 2020

This version of BizTalk360 is compatible with BizTalk Server 2020.

Brand New Features

Section in BizTalk360
Database Size MonitoringDatabase and log file size of the BizTalk and BizTalk360 databases can monitor and get notified, by simply configuring the error and warning threshold values for the database and log file sizes.Monitoring->BizTalk Environment
SQL Server Cluster MonitoringBy configuring the SQL Server Network Name for monitoring, BizTalk360 will start to monitor the active node and in case of a failover scenario, BizTalk360 will automatically take the active server for monitoring.Monitoring -> SQL Servers
Configurable polling interval for monitoringThe BizTalk360 monitoring service checks the status of all configured artifacts every 60 secs. From this version on, we are providing an option for the user to configure the polling interval. Based on the configured polling interval, the monitoring service will determine the monitor status of the endpoints.Settings->Monitoring & Notifications ->Manage Polling Interval
Subscriptions (Message Box)The subscription details of orchestration and send ports will be listed in Message Box Queries similar to the BizTalk Admin Console.Operations->Data Access-> Message Box(Queries)
Analytics Custom Widgets in ReportingNow you can configure Analytics custom widgets for the performance metrics of the BizTalk environment such as Messaging Performance, Message Transmission failure rate, Server performance, etc., and get that as a report, based on the schedule configuration.Analytics -> Reporting


Section in BizTalk360
Monitoring DashboardBelow are some of the improvements we did in Monitoring dashboard section:
1. Indication of alarm status (Enabled/Disabled)
2. Number of Alerts Notified (2/3)
3. The artifacts from the collapsed view are now clickable to route to the respective mapping section
Monitoring -> Monitoring Dashboard 
BizTalk Group DashboardFrom this version on, the BizTalk group dashboard is left for user preference. If you want to look at the consolidated view of all the artifacts in your environment you can enable the BizTalk group dashboard. Also, you can choose the artifact types (Application, Servers, Queues, Folder Monitoring, etc ..) that you want to look at in the dashboard. Monitoring->BizTalk Group Dashboard 
SQL Authentication SupportBizTalk360 now supports SQL Authentication for database access. You can query your Azure databases from the BizTalk360 database query monitoring and secure SQL query sections.Operations & Monitoring
Logic AppsYou can now provide access restrictions for logic apps. Based on the role, you can define which user can manage (enable, disable, delete, trigger) the Logic Apps.
In addition to this, we have introduced the filter option to filter the logic apps under different subscriptions.
Operations /Monitoring->Azure Services
DTA Performance Data CollectionIn this release, we have improved the DTA performance data collection. With this, we allow users to choose the relevant DTA metrics, which will reduce the number of calls to the DTA database.Analytics configurations   -> Manage Analytics 
Service Instance operations From this version on, we allow the user to enter the reason in the comment section (optional) for all the service instance operations(Resume/Suspend/Terminate). The same will get audited for reference.Operation->Data Access->Message Box (Queries )Data
Notification channelNow you can define the error type i.e only error&warning or error/warning/healthy of the artifacts to get notified in the notification channels(slack, Service Now, Webhook).Settings->Monitoring & Notifications ->Manage Notification Channels 
Quick AlarmWith the quick alarm, you can select the application artifacts that you want to monitor, BizTalk360 will automatically map those artifacts for monitoring.Monitoring 
Placeholder EncryptionTo tighten the security now all the Placeholder values configured in custom widgets will get encrypted.
SFTP File mask supportAll the file mask patterns supported in the BizTalk server will now support in BizTalk360Monitoring ->Folder Monitoring->SFTP

Bug Fixes 

SQL Jobs status in BizTalk Group Dashboard When SQL jobs are configured for monitoring it will get listed in the BizTalk group dashboard without any issues. Monitoring 
BizTalk Reporting with Message KPI Widget An issue occurred when BizTalk reporting is configured with Message KPI Widget. Now, the issue got fixed you can get BizTalk reporting with all the widgets configured.Analytics ->BizTalk Reporting 
Message Pattern performance Optimized the query to improve the performance while listing the message patterns, which avoids timeout exceptions.Analytics ->Message Patterns 

If you are interested in a new feature, enhancement, or report a bug, feel free to reach out to us on our Feedback portal.

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