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Article summary

Release Date: 5th May 2020

New Features

FeaturesCommentsSection in BizTalk
Clustered NT Services MonitoringBizTalk360 is now capable of monitoring clustered NT Services by setting up the expected state as 'At least One Active'. With this feature, the BizTalk360 monitoring service will ensure at least one clustered NT service is up and running.  An alert will get triggered when both services go down

Monitoring-> BizTalk/SQL Server-> NT Services

Schedule Maintenance

Stop Alerts for maintenance is now revamped with the best user experience and some additional options.

  • User can create recurrence schedules to stop receiving alerts during maintenance 
  • The user can edit the schedule and manually stop the maintenance in-between, i.e before the maintenance period gets over. So, it is not required to wait until the end of the configured maintenance cycle. 
  • Schedule actions such as create, delete, modify, stop maintenance are audited for further references
Settings-> Monitoring and Notifications-> Schedule Maintenance


EnhancementsCommentsSection in BizTalk

MSMQ- Age Monitoring 

The threshold parameter 'Message Age' is added to monitor and alert the oldest message in MSMQ, based on the configured message age units Days/hours/minutes.Monitoring ->Queues-> MSMQ

Web Endpoint Monitoring

Monitoring Status Enabled/Disabled is now introduced in Web Endpoint monitoring. This enables the user to define when BizTalk360 should start/stop monitoring the configured Web Endpoint. 

BizTalk360 will start to monitor the configured Web Endpoint only if the status is set as enabled.

Monitoring ->BizTalk Environment->Web Endpoint
Clone Alarm with mappings

Users can now easily copy all the artifacts mapped for monitoring and the data monitoring configurations from one alarm to another. With the Clone alarm feature, users can copy both the alarm configurations and also all the artifacts mapping configurations.

Monitoring->Manage Alarm->Clone 
View MDN message in EDI AS2

EDI AS2/MDN message content can be viewed as an encoded and wired format.

SQL Server Performance Widget

Widget to show the SQL server performance(CPU & Memory Usage ) is added in the analytics dashboard 

Reassociate  the SQL Query

In the Reporting section, the secure SQL query widget is allowed to edit and reassociate to any configured secure SQL queries. 

Event Log Data collection optimization

In earlier versions, the Advanced Event Viewer feature collected all the Event log entries for the configured Event Logs and Event Log Sources, but irrespective of error levels. From this version on, to avoid data growth, the user can (de)select the error levels(Information, Warning, Error, etc ) which should be collected. This way, BizTalk360 will start collecting event logs based on the selected error levels.

Group Properties

Under BizTalk Group properties users can view newly added properties in BizTalk Server 2020.  

  • Receive Location (Fault Tolerance) 
  •  Audit Log 
Operation->BizTalk Group Properties
Receive Location Advanced Schedule configuration

The recurrence schedule configured in BizTalk Server 2020 receive location can be viewed in  BizTalk360.

Operation->Search Artifacts/Applications->Receive Location
Mapped Artifacts List

All the artifacts that have been configured for monitoring under a particular alarm are listed in the Manage Mapping section in Monitoring Dashboard.

Monitoring dashboard->Manage Mapping
SMTP Notification channel

User can define for which error type(s) notifications should be sent through SMTP notification channels. I.e only in case of Error & Warning or Error/Warning/Healthy state of the artifacts. 

Settings->Monitoring ->Notification Channel->SMTP
Auditing Message Content view

In the previous version, all the messaging actions (Suspend, Resume, Terminate) were audited for further reference. To tighten the security, now when the user views the Message content that will also be audited.

Operations->Data Access ->Message Box/Graphical Message Flow
Operation dashboard

The operation dashboard can be edited and renamed at a later point in time.

Rename Data monitoring Schedule

The created Data Monitoring schedule can be edited and renamed at a later point in time. Also, users are restricted to create a duplicate schedule for the same alarm under the same monitor type. 

Monitoring -> Data Monitoring

Bug Fixes

Reported IssueFix Provided Section in BizTalk360
Logic Apps Data Monitors cannot be editedUsers can create Logic Apps for Data Monitoring and edit the configurations without any issues.DataMonitoring ->Logic Apps 
EDI Dashboard is not accessible with a non-default DateTime format EDI dashboard can be accessed by all the users with different DateTime format configured in the user profile.
Event Log AlertServer resources (Disk, System resources, EventLog, NT Services) that have been mapped for monitoring will get listed in the correct order in the alert email.Monitoring -> BizTalk/SQL Server-> Event Logs
Import/Export of BizTalk Server High Availablity did not workThe monitoring configuration for BizTalk Server High Availablity can be exported from one environment and can be imported to another environment.Settings -> Import/Export

 If you are interested in a new feature, enhancement or report a bug, feel free to reach out to us on our Feedback portal.

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