10.6 API Updates
  • 17 May 2023
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10.6 API Updates

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Article summary

New APIs introduced in v10.6

GETGetLogConfigurationThis Api is used to Fetch the log configuration for the current environment.
POSTManageLogConfigurationThis Api is used to save the log configuration for the current environment.
GETGetBizTalk360LogsDataThis Api is used to fetch all the logs from the table, respective to the current environment.
GETGetLogFilterValuesThis Api is used to retrieve the log filter values for the environment. 
POSTGenerateLogsReportThis Api is used to generate a BizTalk360 logs report and send it as an email.
POSTExportEDIPartiesThis API is used to Export the Parties
POSTImportEDIPartiesThis API is used to Import the Parties
GETGetQueryResultColumnDetails()This API is used to fetch Query result column details
GETGetSQLQueryBasicDetails()This API is used to fetch basic details of secure sql queries belong to an environment
GETGetAllEndpointConfigurationIt is used to get the default configurations of endpoint.
POSTManageEndpointConfigurationThis is used to manage the configurations of endpoit like enable\disable.
GETGetAllArtifactsMonitoringAlarms This API to fetch applications and alarm mapped for all artifacts mapping under each environment
POSTUpdateAllArtifactsMonitoringAlarmThis API used for configuring the application and alarm mapping 
GETGetIISApplicationPoolsThis API is to fetch the IIS Application Pool details.
GETGetIISWebsitesThis API is to fetch the IIS Website details. 
POSTManageIISApplicationPoolThis API is to perform the selected IIS Application Pool operations.
POSTManageIISWebsiteThis API is to perform the selected IIS Website operations.
GETGetIISApplicationPoolAdvancedSettingsThis API is used to display the selected Application Pool's advanced settings. 
GETGetIISWebsiteAdvancedSettingsThis API is used to display the selected website's advanced settings.
GETGetThresholdConfigurationThis API is used to get the Threshold configuration details.
POSTManageThresholdConfigurationThis API is used to Manage the Threshold configuration details in Monitoring.

Modified API's

Method APIUpdated property Description
GETGETBHMScheduleAdded a property sendReportInNotificationThis Api is used to get the input from the user to attach the report to the notification
Added a property sendReportInNotification
This Api is used to get the input from the user to attach the report to the notification
GETGetEmailTemplatesIn response, emailTemplateList[x].emailFormat.subjectPrefix 
has been renamed to subject.
In previous versions we had the subject prefix field, now made the subject field as customized
POSTMaintainEmailTemplateIn payload, subjectPrefix has been renamed to subject.In previous versions we had the subject prefix field, now made the subject field as customized.
POSTManageAlertMonitorConfigAdded a property isSynapseEndpoint.This property is added to monitor the azure synapse endpoints.
GETGetAlertHistoryByEmailAdded a property generatedEmailAlert .This property is added to show the notifications received in email in the notification history page.
GETGetAlarmsAutoMappingConfigurationRenamed GetAllArtifactsMonitoringAlarms as GetAlarmsAutoMappingConfigurationThis API retrieves the auto mapping configuration for the given feature type.
POSTUpdateAlarmAutoMappingConfigurationRenamed UpdateAllArtifactsMonitoringAlarm -> UpdateAlarmAutoMappingConfiguration

This API will help to create and manage auto mapping configuration.

In response, a new parameter userAlarms[x].notifyOnUpAlert is addedIt is used to specify whether to send up alerts in notification channel or not
GETGetGatewaySettingsIn preview the below parameters have been removed:
  • adminNumber
  • dailyLimit
  • from
  • secretKey
  • messageSentToday
  • userKey
As the SMS feature has been deprecated, the parameters related to it has been removed.
In preview the below parameters have been removed:
  • adminNumber
  • dailyLimit
  • from
  • secretKey
  • messageSentToday
  • userKey
As the SMS feature has been deprecated, the parameters related to it has been removed.
Added a property notifyOnlyOnFailure in API response
To fetch the automated task List, in each task this property will be available with true or False value.
Added a property notifyOnlyOnFailure in API request
When create or update the task, the API request this property will be available with a true or False value.

Removed API's

GetAlertHistoryBySMS - As the SMS feature has been deprecated, the respective API has been removed.

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