v10.7 API Updates
  • 07 Nov 2023
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v10.7 API Updates

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Article summary

New APIs introduced in v10.7

GETGetFeatureUsageConfigurationThis API is used to get the feature usage configuration.
GETGetLatestCollectedFeatureUsageDataThis API is used to fetch the latest feature usage data collected.
GETGetCollectedFeatureUsageDataHistoryThis API is used to fetch the collected feature usage data history.
GETGetCollectedFeatureUsageJsonDataThis API is used to fetch the collected feature usage Json data. 
POSTManageFeatureUsageConfigurationThis API is used to update the feature usage configuration.
POSTVerifyFeatureUsageDataThis API is used to verify the latest feature usage data collected. 
POSTUpdateFeatureVisitsThis API is used to update the number of visits made of every features/modules in BizTalk360 application. 
This API is used to fetch the configured ESB HTTP Receive location.

This API is used to update ESB HTTP Receive location. 
This API is used to delete ESB HTTP Receive location.

Modified API's

Method APIUpdated property Description
Added new request parameters like monitorGroupType, monitorGroupName.
The parameters are added in the request for all the modules in general monitoring to used find the monitor group type and name.
PostManageDataMonitorSchedulenew parameter "logCategory" added in request and response of API ManageDataMonitorSchedule
new parameter added in request and response used to specify whether the configuration is for Event Log or BizTalk360 Log.



new parameter "logCategory" added in response of API new parameter added in response GetDataMonitorSchedule
This is used to specify whether the configuration is for Event Log or BizTalk360 Log.
GetGetDataMonitorExecutionResultnew parameter "logCategory" added in response to API GetDataMonitorExecutionResult
This is used to specify whether the configuration is for Event Log or BizTalk360 Log.
  1. New response parameters named "allowAutoCorrectOnRestrictedTime" & "allowUpAlertOnRestrictedTime" is added to the alarm in GetUserAlarms
  2. New response parameters named "alertResetType" is to alarm model

  1. to check that "Auto correct" and Up alert send beyond the schedule time option is enabled or disabled.
  2. to check the auto reset type.


  1. Request parameters are "allowAutoCorrectOnRestrictedTime" & "allowUpAlertOnRestrictedTime" is added to the API CreateUserAlarm
  2. Request parameter "alertResetType" is to alarm model
  1. This is to fetch the detail from the created alarm that options are enabled or disabled.
  2. To fetch the detail of auto reset type. 0-auto reset disable, 1-new violation, 2-by interval.

  1. Request parameters are "allowAutoCorrectOnRestrictedTime" & "allowUpAlertOnRestrictedTime" is added to the API UpdateUserAlarm
  2. Request parameter "alertResetType" is to alarm model

  1. This is to fetch the detail from the created alarm that options are enabled or disabled.
  2. To fetch the detail of auto reset type. 0-auto reset disable, 1-new violation, 2-by interval.
  1. added scheduleMaintenanceConfiguration in request and response
  2. added automatedTaskConfigurations in request and response

  1. This parameter is used to check that import file have scheduleMaintenanceConfiguration configurations and it details like id,comment, domain name,start time,expirydatetime and schedule type.
  2. This parameter is used to check that import file have automatedtask configurations and it details like task name, task id,server etc.

  1. added scheduleMaintenanceConfiguration in request and response.
  2. added automatedTaskConfigurations in request and response
  1. This parameter is used to check that export file  have scheduleMaintenanceConfiguration configurations and it details like id,comment, domain name,start time,expirydatetime and schedule type.
  2. This parameter is used to check that export file  have automatedtask configurations and it details like task name, task id,server etc.
GETGetSavedQuery"groupable" property is added to all the QuerySubType in GetSavedQuery API across the application. This property is used to check whether the groupable is applied or not.
GETGetAlertMonitorSerializedConfig value for a "MonitorGroupType",
"MonitorName" parameters has been added.

API is used to fetch the website and app pools in the IIS server. 
POSTManageAlertMonitorConfig value for a "MonitorGroupType",
"MonitorName" parameters has been added.
API is used to update website and app pools.
GETGetLatestMonitoringData value for a "MonitorGroupType",
 parameter has been added.
this API is used to fetch the IIS server mapping in the dashboard.  
GETGetUserAlarmArtifactsMappings "iisServermapping" entity is added in the response. this API is used to fetch the IIS server mapping.  

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