Azure Logic Apps
  • 15 Nov 2021
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Azure Logic Apps

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Article summary

Logic Apps bring speed and scalability into the enterprise integration space, it provides a way to simplify and implement scalable integrations and workflows in the cloud. Logic Apps trigger many combinations of actions, conversions, and condition logic. Today, many big enterprises migrate towards the cloud, in such scenarios Logic Apps allow you to seamlessly connect legacy with cutting-edge systems. Considering the importance of Logic Apps, BizTalk360 offers out-of-box Azure Logic Apps Operations capabilities. Using this feature you can Operate, Manage, and Monitor Azure Logic Apps from a single place.

To start managing and monitoring Azure Logic Apps using BizTalk360, all you need to do is add the Azure Subscription in the BizTalk360 UI. BizTalk360 also allows you to work on multiple subscriptions simultaneously. Therefore, by adding the subscription details in BizTalk360, you can view the list of available Logic Apps in that subscription along with its Name, Access End Point, the Current Status (Enabled or Disabled), Last Run, and other details such as Resource Group, Location, Run and Trigger history details and Success/Failure Run count.

Note: if you still need to add an Azure subscription to BizTalk360, follow the steps in this article.

View Logic App details from BizTalk360

  1. Log in to the BizTalk360 application
  2. Select the environment for which you want to view Logic Apps
  3. Click the Administration tab in the panel 
  4. Click the expand button next to the Azure Services and select the Logic Apps link
  5.  Select the Azure Subscription from the drop-down. The Logic Apps associated with this subscription will be displayed in the grid. The below information are displayed in the grid: 
    1. Logic App Name
    2. Resource Group
    3. Access End Point
    4. Logic App Status
    5. Last Run
    6. Details
  6. When an Azure subscription is suspended or disabled, BizTalk360 will not take any action on the Logic Apps. The required operation can be performed in 2 different ways:
    • Selecting the checkboxes next to the Logic App(s) and clicking on the Operation buttons (enable/disable/run trigger/delete) at the top of the grid
    • Selecting the checkbox next to the Logic App. You will notice an inline operation showing up right next to the checkbox with the possible operations that can be performed on the Logic App
  7. To view the Logic App details, click the eye icon against the Logic App name
  8. The Logic App Details blade displays the basic information like the Resource Group, Location, Subscription Name, and the Last Run Date. Additionally, there are three tabs displaying the List view, Graph view, and the Details view of the Logic App Runs and Triggers
  9. Run and Trigger History details - Data like History and Runs are huge when it comes to real-time scenarios/production use. For each Logic App, Run and Trigger history will maintain the last 30 records. The history details will be displayed in both list and graphical view

List View

  • Start and End time of Run/Trigger. Here the time format and time zone are based on user profile configuration
Run/Trigger status such as succeeded/failed, running/skipped/aborted

  • Duration of each Run and Trigger

Graphical View

  •  We have simplified the UI view of your Logic Apps details and redefined Runs and Trigger history into Graphical representations. With the graphical view, it becomes easy for you to navigate and identify the date and time tracking. The graphical view chart shows Logic Apps Runs in the “Y” axis and Date in the “X” axis. All basic graph operations such as zoom, hover are available in the graphical view. Additionally, you can print/download the chart.

  • Success and Failure Run count - Based on color-coding, you can know the Success and Failure Run counts instantly within the detail window of your Logic App
  • Trigger and Action Status - You can see the actual design of the Logic App in the Details View, say when it should be triggered and what actions are to be performed
    E.g : Trigger ‘When_a File_Is_created ’ ; Action – Email_Fil

Manage Logic Apps from BizTalk360

  • Enable/Disable  - From BizTalk360 UI, you can enable/disable the Logic Apps that reflect the corresponding Logic App in the Azure Subscription. You can initiate bulk operations — enable/disable multiple Logic Apps in a single click
  • Run Trigger - Trigger the Logic App action from the BizTalk360 UI. This action also supports the bulk operations
  • Delete - You can delete single or multiple Logic Apps with a single click from BizTalk360 UI , which deletes the Logic App in the Azure Subscription 
  • Resubmit Runs - You can resubmit single or multiple runs by clicking the Resubmit button

Query Expression 

  BizTalk360 has a rich querying capability that allows users to query the logic apps. Below is the list of filter options available to filter the Logic Apps.

  1. Resource Group - Filters the list of the Logic Apps available under the selected resource group name
  2. Access endpoint Status - Filters the list of the Logic Apps available under the given Access endpoint
  3. Status - Filter the Logic App based on the status (enabled/disabled)
  4. Modified date-time - List the Logic App based on date-time
  5. Logic App name - Filters the Logic App based on the name

  You can build a search query with multiple filters based on your business need. And these query filters can be saved for future references. 


Filter Implementation for Grids

A Filter capability is implemented for the grid columns to do a better search from the grid columns. A user can filter the data from the respective rows according to their needs.

The following types of filters have been implemented in the grid columns of Azure Logic Apps:

  • Date Time Filter
  • Status Filter
  • Text Filter

Date Time Filter

The Date Time filter is added to filter grid data based on the given selected date and time. This filter has below options for easy search: 

  • Is equal to
  • Is not equal to 
  • Is after or equal to 
  • Is after 
  • Is before or equal to 
  • Is before 
  • Is Null
  • Is not Null

Status Filter

The status filter is used to filter Status columns. The drop-down of the filter shows values according to the statuses which are displayed in the column. The user can select the status from the drop-down and filter accordingly.

Text Filter

This is the most commonly used filter. Using this filter, a user can perform a text-based search. The text filter has the following options:

  • Is equal to
  • Is not equal to
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Contains
  • Does not Contains
  • Is Null
  • Is not null
  • Is Empty
  • Is not Empty

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