Azure ServiceBus Operations
  • 01 Nov 2022
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Azure ServiceBus Operations

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Article summary

BizTalk is the best-suited integration for on-premises as well as Iaas(Infrastructure as service ) which integrates the cloud service using built-in adapters like Logic App, SB-Messaging, Event Hub, Blob Storage, etc.

Azure Service Bus is one of the most powerful services on the cloud that act as a messaging backbone that offers brokered and pub/sub-type messaging infrastructure, designed to integrate applications or application components – spanned over multiple communication protocols. Azure Service Bus holds two most essential services (Queues and Topics) which act as an agent between enterprises. 

So as part of increased support for hybrid Integration, we have introduced Service Bus Queue and Topics Operations in BizTalk360. This feature helps the user manage the state and messages of the queues in the configured subscription.

 This section consists of the following articles which help to understand managing the Service Bus queues and Topics from BizTalk360

  • Azure Service Bus Queue Operations
  • Azure Service Bus Topics and Subscription Operations

This feature is available under the Platinum tier. 

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