Configure Opsgenie
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Configure Opsgenie

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Article summary

Opsgenie is an incident management and alerting platform that allows organizations to effectively respond to and manage incidents. It offers capabilities to detect and notify about incidents effectively, thereby minimizing downtime and mitigating disruptions to business operations. 

By integrating Opsgenie with BizTalk360 , you can receive all the alerts from BizTalk360 as an incident in Opsgenie . For instance, when a send port which is crucial for transmitting essential data between different systems within your organization goes down.BizTalk360 quickly detects the issue and generates an incident in Opsgenie. Subsequently, you can assign the incident to the appropriate individual to take necessary actions.

How to integrate Opsgenie in BizTalk360?

Opsgenie comes as a default notification channel in BizTalk360. To associate your Opsgenie Notification channel in BizTalk360 you need to update an API Key and Integration URL.

Follow the below steps in Opsgenie to acquire API Key

  • Login into the Opsgenie channel with valid credentials.
  • Once you've logged into Opsgenie channel, you can access the API key by following below steps:
    1. Navigate to Settings->Integrations 
    2. Click on "Default API" to access its integration settings.
    3. Within the Integration Settings, you'll find the API key.
    4. This is the Integration URL "" you are supposed to update in BizTalk360 settings

Follow the below steps to update the API key and Integration URL in BizTalk360

  • Navigate to BizTalk360 Settings->Notifications->Notification channel.
  • Select Opsgenie and click Edit Configurations, Which opens the Opsgenie Configuration blade.
  • In the Opsgenie Configuration blade, update the API key and Integration URL details as per your Opsgenie account settings
  • Update the notification settings to determine when alerts should be triggered: whether it's upon detecting errors or warning violations in the environment, or even upon resolution of a violation (up-alert) or healthy state.
  • If your environment operates under a proxy, update the proxy settings with the relevant details.
  • Finally, to save the Opsgenie configuration click Save.

Add Configuration Image here 

On Successful configuration, you can enable Opsgenie on the Alarm and Automated Task configuration page. Enabling Opsgenie here ensures that monitoring alerts or automated task alerts are sent to the designated Opsgenie channel.

add Alarm screenshot here 

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