Create Alarms
  • 30 Nov 2021
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Create Alarms

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Article summary

Monitoring can be set up in less than 5 minutes. You need to take the following steps:

  • Create an alarm – Provide basic settings like name, email id’s, etc.
  • Set the alarm type - Threshold, Health and/or Data Monitoring
  • Add mappings to the alarm - Define what you want to monitor

The first 2 bullets are explained in the following sections. Adding mappings is described elsewhere.

Basic settings

To create an alarm in BizTalk360, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the BizTalk360 application as a Super User
  2. Click 'Monitoring' tab in the Navigation panel on the left side of the screen
  3. Click 'Manage Alarms' tab
  4. In the toolbar, click 'New Alarm' and select the alarm type from the drop-down. At the right side of the screen, the ‘Alarm - Basic’ pane appears

The fields in bold are required.

  1. Alarm Name – A descriptive name of the alarm
  2. Description – A detailed description of the purpose of this alarm
  3. Disable Alarm for Maintenance – This allows you to temporarily disable the alarm. As long as the alarm is disabled, you won’t receive notifications
  4. Email ids – The email addresses which need to receive the email notifications
  5. Email Template – Select one of the available templates
  6. Enable Email High Priority - This option allows you to enable/disable high priority emails. Based on this configuration, the email notification priority is set. By default, high priority is enabled
  7. Configure Email Template – By clicking on this button, you will be redirected to a screen where you can create new, make changes to or delete existing Email templates
  8. Custom Notification Channels – Besides receiving notifications by email, you can receive notifications by other channels. Configure them here, to receive notifications from this alarm
  9. Next – Navigates you to the following screen
  10. Enter values for the required fields, which are:
    • Alarm Name
    • Email id - you can enter multiple email ids as comma-separated values. Use commas separated email id(s) to send separate alerts to email ids (each mail delivered to a recipient is counted as a separate email count).
      Use semicolon-separated email id(s) to send a single alert to all email ids in one go (single email count that is delivered to multiple recipients)
      For instance, if there are 3 recipients:
      • Comma-separated: 3 separate emails will be sent to the recipients
      • Semicolon-separation: 1 email sent to 3 recipients
  11. Enter/select any of the optional fields and click Next, until you reach the Alarm – Advanced pane. The Alert - Threshold and Alert - Health panes are discussed in the respective sections below

The screen has the following fields:

  • Send Notification SMS – Enter a mobile number (without 00 or +-sign to receive SMS Notifications
    Note: BizTalk360 uses the Azure Gateway for sending SMS messages. If you want to receive more than 5 (free) messages per day, you need to take a subscription to that gateway.
  • Enable HP Operations Manager Integration – Select this field, if you have HP Operations Manager and want to receive notifications there

Note: HP Operations Manager Integration has to be configured Under Settings/Monitoring and Notification/HP Operations Manager

  • Log events to Event Viewer – Select if you want to write events from this alarm to the Event Log. If the Event Log option is enabled, Down and Up alert notifications are written to the BizTalk360 Monitor source in the Application Log.
  • EventId – Once the previous field is selected, this field is enabled and a numeric value is required. When a notification from the alarm becomes sent, also an Event Log entry is written in the Application Log, with the EventId configured here
  • Enable Test Mode – Select this field to run this alarm once per minute. If applicable, notifications will be sent
  • Previous – Navigates back to the previous screen
  • OK – Stores the alarm in the BizTalk360 database
  1. Enter/select any of the optional fields and click OK to save the alarm

Threshold Alert

You need to follow the steps below to set up threshold-based monitoring:

  1. Follow the steps as mentioned in the Basic Settings section in this article
  2. Turn on the 'Alert on threshold violation' option. If you do not turn it on, you will not be able to make any threshold violation settings
  3. If violation persists for — You can set the duration after which you want to receive notifications in case of a violation.
    For instance, you must receive notifications if the violation persists for 10 minutes. This avoids sending notifications too quickly as the violations may quickly resolve and return back to the normal state
  4. Limit number of alerts per violation to — You can set the number of alerts you wish to receive per violation, say, 3 alerts per violation with an interval of 10 minutes between every notification. This will avoid getting an indefinite number of notifications and annoying the users
  5. Notify when things become normal after violation — You can use this setting, to be notified when the situation becomes normal after a violation no more exists
  6. Reset alert on reaching notification limit — You can use this setting, to reset the alarm. The counter will be reset after x minutes once the alert notification count is reached. The value can be set from a minimum of 1 min to a maximum of 1440 mins.
  7. Set alerts on set day(s) and time(s) only to restrict the threshold violation alerts
  8. Save the alarm information

Health Monitoring Alert

To receive scheduled Health Monitoring notifications, you can set up a Health Monitoring alert. The steps below explain how that is done:

  1. Follow the steps as mentioned in the 'Basic Settings' section in this article
  2. On the 'Alarm - Health' page you can choose the days and times when you want to receive a periodic update about the health of the components that are monitored in this alarm
  3. You can either click 'OK' or Click 'Next' to move to the last screen to add Advanced Settings like SMS configuration, HPOM configuration, etc.

The alarm will be created and you will be redirected to the Manage Alarms page. The Manage Alarms page will list the alarms that have been created for the environment

Data Monitoring Alert

To monitor message processing, the first step is to create a Data Monitoring alarm. The steps below explain how that is done:

  1. Follow the steps as mentioned in the 'Basic Settings' section in this article
  2. On the Alarm - Data Monitoring page, select the check box 'Use this alarm for Data Monitor Alerts' if you wish to associate the current alarm with Data Monitors
  3. Select the check box 'Notify on Success as well' to receive success email alerts for the configured Data Monitors. If you do not choose the second check box, you will only receive email alerts in case the expected data load did not take place

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