Dashboard and Widgets
  • 15 Nov 2021
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Dashboard and Widgets

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Article summary

The main idea of having the EDI dashboard in BizTalk360 is to provide easy access to different EDI properties in BizTalk360 "in a single click". To achieve this, we picked up the key EDI properties and preconfigured the widgets in BizTalk360 that "we thought" customers would be using more often on a day-to-day basis. BizTalk360 Dashboards are easy to use and developed with non-BizTalk users in mind, presenting the data in an understandable and functional view. Similar to other dashboards in BizTalk360, EDI Reporting Dashboard is a widget-based dashboard. The users who have access to EDI Reports can view the EDI Dashboard. You can add three different categories of widgets to this dashboard:

  • EDI Interchange Aggregation widgets
  • EDI Transaction Set aggregation widgets
  • AS2 messaging aggregation reports 

You can edit the EDI Widget Configurations to change the Date Range between 24 hours, Last 7 Days, and Last 30 Days. By default, the data range is set at 24 hours range.

EDI Interchange Aggregation widgets

Widget NameExplanation
Interchange Count by Partner identifier (Top 10)This is a bar chart widget that lists the top 10 partner identifiers based on the most number of interchanges processed count.
Interchange Count by Partner identifier (All)This is a grid-based widget that lists all the partner identifiers along with the count of Received and Sent Interchanges.
Interchange Count by Agreement Name (Top 10)This is a bar-chart-based widget that lists the top 10 agreement names based on the number of interchanges processed. This aggregation is not available in the BizTalk administration console reports.
Interchange Count by Agreement Name (All)This is a grid-based widget that lists all the Agreement Names and the number of interchanges processed.
Interchange count by Partner Name (Top 10)This is a bar chart widget that lists the top 10 partner names based on the number of interchanges processed. This aggregation is not available in the BizTalk Admin console.
Interchange count by Partner Name (All)This is a grid-based widget that lists all the Partner names and the number of interchanges processed.
Interchange count by encodingThis is a bar chart widget that lists the number of interchanges by encoding (X12/EDIFACT).

EDI Transaction Aggregation widgets

Widget NameExplanation
Transaction Count by Partner identifier (Top 10)This is a bar chart widget that lists the top 10 partner identifiers based on the number of transactions processed.
Transaction Count by Partner identifier (All)This is a grid widget that lists all the partner identifiers and the number of transactions processed.
Transaction Count by Transaction Type id (Filtered by Partner Id)This is a bar chart widget that lists the number of transaction sets processed on transaction type for a selected partner in the drop-down box.
Transaction Count by Transaction Type id (All)This is a grid widget that lists the number of transaction sets processed by partner id and transaction type id.
Transaction count by ACK Status (Filtered by partner id)This is a bar chart widget that lists the top 10 partner names and the number of transactions processed. This aggregation is not available in the BizTalk Admin console.
Interchange count by Partner Name (All)This is a grid-based widget that lists the number of transaction sets processed by partner id and transaction type.

AS2 Messaging Aggregation reports

Widget NameExplanation
Number of AS2 messages by Partner (Top 10)This is a bar chart widget that displays the top 10 partners by the number of AS2 messages processed.
Number of AS2 messages by partner (All)This is a grid-based widget that displays all the partners by the number of AS2 messages processed.
Number of AS2 messages by Partner and MDN statusThis is a bar chart widget that displays the number of AS2 messages processed by MDN status for a selected AS2 party
Number of AS2 messages by partner and MDN status (ALL)This is a grid widget that displays the number of AS2 messages processed by MDN status for all AS2 parties
Number of AS2 Messages by MDN StatusThis is a bar chart widget that shows the number of messages processed by their MDN status.

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