Reporting Manager
  • 15 Nov 2021
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Reporting Manager

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Article summary

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is one of the commonly used means by which business entities exchange data electronically. EDI communication is based on specific message syntax, standards, messaging protocol, and transports. While working with EDI transactions, it is important for administrators to keep a watch on the interchange acknowledgment status, batch status, AS2/MDN status, transaction set details information, and so on. The EDI reporting manager allows you to turn on/turn off reporting for each agreement in a single click. Performing this task in the BizTalk Admin Console is a tedious task especially when there are many parties and agreements. Similarly, you can perform a bulk enable/disable operations on the NRR configuration. Administrators can add the Host Partner information required to configure the host party for NRR configurations. 

  • EDI Reporting - Enable/Disable the EDI Reporting properties like the Message Payload, Log Errors, and Log Warning
  • NRR Configuration- To store messages in the non-repudiation database, the parties must enable NRR (Non-repudiation of receipt) as part of the AS2 agreement properties.
  • Host Partner - The user has to first add the Host details from this tab before configuring the NRR

Configuring properties in EDI Reporting tab

BizTalk360 offers identical functionalities as the BizTalk administration console that allows you to enable/disable EDI Reporting properties. For instance, when an Agreement Message Payload is in Off (disabled) state, you can choose to On the Message Payload from the BizTalk360 UI. In addition to this, you can click on the agreement to view the Agreement properties in read-only mode. You can enable/disable the Agreements EDI Reporting in two different ways.

  • Select the checkboxes against the Agreement name(s) and click on the Operation buttons (Enable/Disable) at the top of the grid to select the Property (EDI Reporting, Message Payload, Log Errors, and Log Warnings)
  • Hover the cursor against the property. You will notice an inline operation showing up right next to the current status

This example shows you how to configure EDI Reporting in BizTalk360. The video demonstrates to enable/disable EDI reporting, message payload, log errors and log warnings.

Configuring properties in NRR configuration tab

In order to configure the NRR properties in BizTalk360, you have to add the Host Partner name to the system. Therefore, Host Partner and NRR configurations are interdependent operations.

  1. Log into the Application
  2. Select the Environment
  3. Click the Administration tab in the Navigation panel
  4. Expand'BizTalk Services
  5. Click the expand button against the Electonic Data Interchange tab
  6. Click the Reporting Manager option in the EDI tab
  7. Click the Host Partner tab in the EDI Reporting Manager screen
  8. Click Add Host
  9. Enter the Host Name and a brief description of the Host and click Save. The Host Name tab has the auto-filter capability to list down the available Host as the user types the Host Name.
  10. Click the NRR Configuration tab
  11. Click the checkbox against the Agreements you wish to change the properties
  12. Click the Enable/Disable button on the top of the grid
  13. Select the property to complete the action

Export to Excel and PDF

A user can export information from multiple grids into a single Excel sheet. For example, in the EDI Reporting Manager, the export capability is available for the EDI Reporting, NRR Configuration, and the Host Partner section, and all sections can be exported to a single Excel file. The Export to Excel and PDF drop-down has options to export these sections all together or just a single one. Based on the user selection, the export will be performed.

For the NRR Reporting, the user should configure the Host partner to capture the data in Excel or PDF sheets. If this is not configured, the Excel or PDF sheet will remain empty.

Filter Implementation for Grids

A Filter capability is implemented for the grid columns to do a better search from the grid columns. A user can filter the data from the respective rows according to their needs.

The following type of filter has been implemented in the grid columns of EDI Reporting Manager:

  • Text Filter

Text Filter

This is the most commonly used filter. Using this filter, a user can perform a text-based search. The text filter has the following options:

  • Is equal to
  • Is not equal to
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Contains
  • Does not Contains
  • Is Null
  • Is not null
  • Is Empty
  • Is not Empty

User Access Policy settings for Reporting Manager

This section explains the user access policy settings for the Normal users. For a normal user to access the Reporting Manager in BizTalk360, the superuser needs to grant permission under the User Access Policy tab in Settings. Let's say Scott is a Normal User at ACME corp, and he has to be given permissions to Reporting Manager section within BizTalk360. Follow the steps as shown below to grant access permissions to a normal user:

  1. Log into BizTalk360 (as a Superuser)
  2. Click the Settings icon at the top right corner of the window
  3. Select Team Management from the left navigation menu. Create a new user by clicking the Add User
  4. Enter the username as Scott, domain name, and select the environment for which the user will have access (say, Testing/Staging/Non-Production). Click Next
  5. In the User Access (module wise) section, enable the toggle for the Operations section. This will open up the options available under the Operations section. Click the Choose hyperlink under EDI section
  6. Toggle the Grant access to all the available parties and reporting manager to grant the permission for a normal user
  7. Click OK to save the user permissions

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