Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • 14 May 2021
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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

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Article summary

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the commonly used format by business trading partners to exchange data electronically. BizTalk Server has extensive capabilities to support EDI in its architecture (using the receive and send pipelines specific to EDI that can parse the incoming EDI messages from the sender party). While working with EDI transactions, it is important for administrators to keep a watch on the interchange acknowledgment status, batch status, AS2/MDN status, transaction set details information, and so on. Administrators are forced to rely on the BizTalk Server administration console to view the report information.

BizTalk360 allows the administrators to view the status reports of EDI and AS2 transmissions. The status reports provide the information of document exchange transactions, including the acknowledgment information (if any). The reports also provide the status of pending and unacknowledged interchanges, completed interchanges, and other scenarios.

When the users query the status report information, BizTalk360 will pick up the reports from the database and display them in the user interface. The transport layer in the BizTalk360 architecture is responsible to communicate with the database and fetch the Report information. BizTalk360 also offers a rich query filter option where users can search for report information based on complex conditions. Each report will contain different filter options that users can use to search for reports.

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