BizTalk Group Dashboard
  • 25 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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BizTalk Group Dashboard

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Article summary

The BizTalk Group Dashboard gives a consolidated view of all the artifacts mapped to all the alarms in an environment. With the BizTalk Group Dashboard, you can see all the artifact's statuses and the error/warnings details in a single pane. 

How does BizTalk Group Dashboard differ from the Monitoring Dashboard?

The Monitoring Dashboard is structured at a single alarm level, which lists the status of the configured artifacts at the alarm level. The user needs to choose the alarm to view the status of the mapped artifacts under the respective alarm.

The BizTalk Group Dashboard gives a consolidated view of all the artifacts mapped to all the alarms in an environment.

The BizTalk Group Dashboard can be viewed by navigating to Monitoring -> BizTalk Group Dashboard. As a first step to use the BizTalk Group Dashboard, the user needs to enable it. The Dashboard is split into three sections:

  • Graphical Tree View
  • Application section
  • Errors and Warnings

You can expand, collapse, or adjust the screen based on the screen resolution.

Graphical Tree View

The Graphical Tree view presents the status of all the configured artifacts. Each node represents the artifacts in which the color code shows the status of the artifacts. These statuses are:

  • Red - Critical
  • Orange - Warning
  • Green - Healthy

When the user clicks on the artifact node, it will pop up the error details along with the associated alarm name. Users can then navigate to the respective artifact mapping section by clicking the error details.

Other characteristics of the graph are similar to the Monitoring Dashboard.

Below, we have a couple of scenarios of how the BizTalk Group Dashboard works.

Scenario 1 - Same application artifacts mapped to multiple alarms
Consider a scenario where the same application artifact (Send port/Receive Location/Orchestration) is mapped to multiple alarms with different configurations. Say SendPort1 is set to the Expected State as Started for Alarm1 and the same SendPort1 is set to the Expected State as Stopped for Alarm2. In this scenario the BizTalk Group dashboard will give priority to the Positive state first, i.e expected state set to Started will be considered and listed in the dashboard.

Scenario 2 - Same artifacts (File Location/Queues/BizTalk Environment etc) mapped to multiple alarms
Consider a scenario where the same File Location is configured for monitoring with multiple alarms with different threshold configuration. Say, the File Location is configured to check File count < 10 with alarm1, and the same File Location is configured to check File count < 100 with alarm2. In this scenario, both the configuration will be listed in the BizTalk group dashboard.

Graph Filters

The Dashboard allows you to apply filters to Event Types (Errors and Warnings) and top-level monitoring sections (BizTalk Application, BizTalk Server, SQL Server, SQL Instances, and BizTalk Environment) for which you want to see the dashboard. You can choose an array of combinations, as per your requirement, by selecting the values in the checkboxes and the drop-down. 

Fit to Read, Dark Mode, Zoom in & Zoom out, and Full-Screen mode

  • Dark Mode - This option is for viewing the graphical view in Dark Mode
  • Full-Screen mode -The Graphical tree view can be expanded to fill the entire screen with the full-screen feature. This option is very helpful for those who want to display the dashboard on a large monitor or HDTV Screen
  • Download PDF - This option is for downloading the current graphical view
  • Fit to Read - This option is to fit the graphical view based on the resolution. If the view goes beyond the resolution, you can choose this option to fit the view
  • Zoom in & Zoom out - This option is for zooming the graphical tree in and out

Auto Refresh

The BizTalk Group dashboard automatically refreshes every 60 seconds and the Graphical tree view pane and Error and Warning pane get the latest information. You can manually refresh the dashboard, by clicking the Refresh button in the Graphical view pane.

Errors and Warnings section

Users can see the Error and Warning details in the Error and Warning pane. This section is segregated based on the artifacts type, which lists the Error/Warning details of the configured artifacts along with the alarm name.
The user can filter the issues with their type such as Error, Warning, or All, this filter will reflect in the graph and also the error/warning pane. Additionally, a link is provided for errors & warnings which helps to navigate to the corresponding mapping section to address the issues.

Manage BizTalk Group Dashboard 

  1. Users can easily Enable/Disable the BizTalk group dashboard using the toggle button
  2. The dashboard has a rich filter capability in which the user can easily configure what type of artifacts need to be shown in the dashboard. The filter details can be reconfigured at any point in time using the gear icon

Who can access the BizTalk Group Dashboard?
All users who are having access to the BizTalk360 Monitoring Dashboard can access the BizTalk Group Dashboard.

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