BizTalk360 in Azure Marketplace
  • 26 Jul 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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BizTalk360 in Azure Marketplace

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Article summary

BizTalk360 is the "One Platform that offers Operations, Monitoring, and Analytics capabilities for Microsoft BizTalk Server". BizTalk360 can be installed across on-premise installations of BizTalk Server.

We have made BizTalk360 to support BizTalk installations on Microsoft Azure. For existing BizTalk server virtual machines running on Microsoft Azure, you can install BizTalk360 using the BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer. With the BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer, you can easily install BizTalk360 by executing a single PowerShell command on your BizTalk Virtual Machine. In addition, we have BizTalk360 right within Azure Marketplace. This is helpful for customers having a Microsoft Azure account and using BizTalk server in the cloud with a more complex setup such as a domain, Active Directory, and one or more BizTalk environments in the network.

With BizTalk360 in Azure, you get a complete deployment that can target your BizTalk environment running on-premises via VPN or ExpressRoute or on Azure IaaS Platform.

For more detailed information on BizTalk360 in Azure Marketplace, please refer this link.

What is the cost of installing BizTalk360 on Azure?

BizTalk360 on Azure Marketplace is a completely "Free" offering. You can easily install BizTalk360 through the Marketplace installer (which gets installed on a dedicated VM). However, to use BizTalk360 with BizTalk Server, you need to have a valid license. You can refer to our pricing model here. We have a similar pricing structure for both our on-premise and cloud offering.

You also need to remember that you will need to pay Microsoft for the virtual machine cost, depending on the size of the virtual machine you are provisioning. For more details on the virtual machine pricing, please refer this article published by Microsoft.

How do I install BizTalk360 from Azure Marketplace?

In this article, we will show you the detailed steps to install and use BizTalk360 from Azure Marketplace. To download and install BizTalk360 from Azure Marketplace, you need to have a Microsoft Azure account with a valid subscription.

To understand the installation procedure better, lets consider a scenario and how you can incorporate BizTalk360 from the Azure Marketplace.


Let's assume Contoso uses Microsoft Azure for their BizTalk server deployments, and they have a multi-server configuration on Azure. Basically, their environment setup comprises of a domain controller (say, a Windows Server 2012 R2 edition) with the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) defined as CONTOSO.COM, a separate virtual machine that hosts the Microsoft BizTalk Server (BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Enterprise Edition), and a separate machine that contains the SQL Server (SQL 2014 Enterprise edition running on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine). All the BizTalk server configurations are in place and Contoso wants to implement BizTalk360 to monitor their BizTalk server environment.

To install BizTalk360 from the Azure Marketplace, follow below steps:

  1. Log in to Azure Portal
  2. Click Virtual Machines from the Left Menu
  3. Click Add to add a new virtual machine.

What is the cost of installing BizTalk360 on Azure?

BizTalk360 on Azure Marketplace is a completely "Free" offering. You can easily install BizTalk360 through the Marketplace installer (which gets installed on a dedicated VM). However, to use BizTalk360 with BizTalk Server, you need to have a valid license. You can refer to our pricing model here. We have a similar pricing structure for both our on-premise and cloud offering.

You also need to remember that you will need to pay Microsoft for the virtual machine cost, depending on the size of the virtual machine you are provisioning. For more details on the virtual machine pricing, please refer this article published by Microsoft.

How do I install BizTalk360 from Azure Marketplace?

In this article, we will show you the detailed steps to install and use BizTalk360 from Azure Marketplace. To download and install BizTalk360 from Azure Marketplace, you need to have a Microsoft Azure account with a valid subscription.

To understand the installation procedure better, lets consider a scenario and how you can incorporate BizTalk360 from the Azure Marketplace.


Let's assume Contoso uses Microsoft Azure for their BizTalk server deployments, and they have a multi-server configuration on Azure. Basically, their environment setup comprises of a domain controller (say, a Windows Server 2012 R2 edition) with the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) defined as CONTOSO.COM, a separate virtual machine that hosts the Microsoft BizTalk Server (BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Enterprise Edition), and a separate machine that contains the SQL Server (SQL 2014 Enterprise edition running on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine). All the BizTalk server configurations are in place and Contoso wants to implement BizTalk360 to monitor their BizTalk server environment.

To install BizTalk360 from the Azure Marketplace, follow below steps:

  1. Log in to Azure Portal.
  2. Click Virtual Machines from the Left Menu.
  3. Click Add to add a new virtual machine.

  4. In the Search box, enter BizTalk360 to search for the installer.

  5. Select BizTalk360 from the results section.

  6. A new blade screen will open with the details about BizTalk360, and some useful links to documentation, BizTalk360 product, Features, Pricing. Click Create to start creating BizTalk360 virtual machine.

  7. The virtual machine creation process basically comprises of 5 steps - Configuring the Basic settings, Choosing the Virtual Machine size, Configuring Optional Features, Summary page, and Payment section.

1. Basics - This is very similar to creating any virtual machine in Azure. You need to provide a name for the VM, username and password, select your subscription and resource group details. Click OK to move to the next section.

2. Size - Choose the size of the virtual machine according to your requirement. Click Select to continue to the next step.

For BizTalk360 on Azure, we recommend a Standard A2 size


3. Settings - The next screen is optional. Please make the changes, as necessary. Click OK to continue to the next step.

4. Summary - The summary of the selections in the previous sections. Click OK to continue to the next step.

5. Buy - Click Purchase to accept the terms of use of BizTalk360 Azure. This will initialize the deployment of BizTalk360 virtual machine.

  1. Once the virtual machine is deployed, click the machine details under Virtual Machines and click Connect. This will download the RDP file to connect to the virtual machine.
  2. Enter the credentials that you provided in step 7.1 and connect to the virtual machine.
  3. Once you log in to the virtual machine, you will notice the BizTalk360 Azure Marketplace Installer is automatically firing up. You will see the different fields to be entered in the Azure Marketplace Installer in a separate section below.

BizTalk360 Azure Marketplace Installer - In-Depth look

In this section, we will take a deeper look at the different sections in the BizTalk360 Azure Marketplace installer. Only when all the fields are entered correctly, you will be able to install BizTalk360.


  1. Domain Name - Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) that you want this machine to join. For instance, if the domain name is CORP.COM, you need to enter the FQDN as CORP.COM. Just entering CORP wouldn't allow the installation to continue.
  2. Domain Account - Enter the account credentials (user name and password), in the space provided, that has enough privileges to join the current computer to the domain.
  3. Service Account - Enter the service account details (user name and password), in the space provided, that will run the BizTalk360 Monitoring service.
  4. SQL Server Details - Enter the SQL server details where the BizTalk360 database will be created, and the name for the database.
          a. Instance Name - Enter the SQL instance name where the BizTalk360 database will be created.
    BizTalk360 Azure Marketplace installer will support SQL Azure
           b. Database Name - Enter the name in which you want the BizTalk360 database to be created.
    By default, the field will be pre-populated with the database name as BizTalk360. You can change the value according to your requirement.
            c. Authentication Type - You can choose between Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication to connect to the SQL instance. Depending on the selection, enter the user name and password that the installer will use to connect to the SQL server.
  5. Install - Once you have entered all the information in the installer, click Install to install BizTalk360 in the virtual machine.
    At this point of time, the first step that will happen is to add the virtual machine to the domain specified in point 1. As a part of this process, the virtual machine will automatically restart itself. Once after the restart, the installation of BizTalk360 will continue and you can see the result in the Output section.
  6. Output - This section will display the status of the installation process.
  7. Get Trial Key - Click the link to request for a free 14-day trial key to try BizTalk360.
    If you already have a working license, you can use the same Order Number and License code to activate the license. However, please remember to deactivate the license from the current working environment before trying to apply it in the new environment. 
  8. Help - Click the link to access the BizTalk360 support documentation for any assistance about the product.
  9. BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer - If you are using standalone BizTalk server machines, then you can choose this option to install BizTalk360 in a single click. Click here to view the documentation for this option.

After adding the information, click Install. First, the BizTalk360 Virtual machine will be added to the domain (the machine will be automatically restarted as a part of this process), and BizTalk360 installation will continue.
Upon successful completion, BizTalk360 will be installed and you will notice a browser window firing open with the BizTalk360 screen. The first step is to activate the license for the environment. You can use an already available license, but please ensure that you deactivate the license from the existing environment before applying the same in the new environment.

That's it! You can now use BizTalk360 in a virtual machine that connects to BizTalk server running on a separate VM and SQL server running on a separate VM.

BizTalk360 Azure Marketplace installer is supported for BizTalk Server versions 2013 R2,2016 and 2020.


Difference between BizTalk360 on Azure Marketplace & BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer

With two different offerings - BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer and BizTalk360 on Azure Marketplace, there are chances you may get confused with these offerings. This article will help you to understand the basic differences between the two offerings. The basic difference lies in how companies make use of the cloud offering (Azure) from Microsoft.

BizTalk360 on Azure Marketplace

BizTalk360 on Azure Marketplace is suitable for customers having a full blown setup in the cloud, such as a domain setup, Active Directory and one or more BizTalk environments running within the network. In this scenario, customers can download BizTalk360 from the Marketplace. BizTalk360 will run independently in its own virtual machine environment and will connect to all the available BizTalk environments available in the same network.

BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer

BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer is a perfect candidate for customers using Azure for development and testing purposes. In these cases, customers will provision virtual machines according to their requirements, and delete them when the need is over. For these scenarios, BizTalk360 can be installed using the BizTalk360 Azure Easy Installer. The process is very simple and straightforward. You need to execute one PowerShell command to install BizTalk360 on your existing BizTalk server virtual machine.

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