Dashboard Widgets
  • 15 Nov 2021
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Dashboard Widgets

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Article summary

In generic terms, a Widget is a small piece of code that performs a particular operation/specific function in an application. Widgets provide a simple and easy-to-use way of using the application. Similarly, in the BizTalk360 dashboard, we have included the concept of widgets that can be added to the dashboard by the users.
There are four different types of widgets that can be used in BizTalk360. They are:

  • Default/Basic Widgets
  • Static Widgets
  • Custom Widgets
  • Dynamic Widgets

Let’s look at each of the widget types and how they are represented in BizTalk360.

You can create and customize the different types of widgets only under the Administration Dashboard and Analytics Dashboard. The process to perform these operations remains the same.

Default/Basic Widgets

The default widgets are the basic 5 widgets that appear on the BizTalk360 Administration Home page when you install BizTalk360 or upgrade to the latest version of BizTalk360 from an earlier version.

  • Alarms - Depicts the number of alarms that have been created in the environment, and the number of alarms that have been enabled/disabled and mapped/not mapped with any artifacts
  • BizTalk Environment Properties - Displays the basic information about the BizTalk environment (Group Name, Server Name, Management DB name)
  • Artifacts Counts - Gives you a count of the total number of applications and the artifacts that are present in the environment
  • Monitoring Services - Depicts the status of the monitoring service. If the service is running without any problems, you will notice a green tick mark in the widget. If the service is stopped, you will notice a red cross mark in the widget.
  • Support and Documentation - Provides you a quick link to the BizTalk360 documentation portal so that you can easily look for any information regarding the product

Static Widgets

Static widgets are the pre-defined widgets that can be added to the dashboard by users. To add a static widget, click Add Widget on the Home Dashboard screen and choose the widgets you want to have on the dashboard. For convenience, we have grouped the different widgets into specific categories as listed below. Click the + icon to expand the widgets under a category. To add the widget to the Dashboard, click the + icon. The widget will be added to the dashboard and you will see a confirmation message as "Widget added to Dashboard successfully". You will also notice that the + icon changes to x.

To remove the widget from the Dashboard, expand the widgets under a category and click the X button. By doing this the widget will be removed from the dashboard and you will see the confirmation message as "Widget Deleted successfully".

Widgets Groups
Suspended Instances (group)

  • All Suspended Instances
  • By Service Class
  • By Service Name
  • By Error Code
  • By Host Name
  • By Adapter
  • By Application
  • By URI

Running Instances (group)

  • All Running Instances
  • By Service Class
  • By Service Name
  • By Application


  • Alarms
  • Data Monitoring

Environment Artifacts

  • All Artifacts Count
  • Send Ports
  • Receive Locations
  • Orchestrations
  • Host
  • Host Instances
  • Message Box
  • Environment Properties
  • EDI Parties & Agreements

BizTalk360 Health

  • To Do List
  • Monitoring Service
  • Support & Documentation

Custom Widgets

Like Basic and Static widgets, BizTalk360 allows users to be able to create their own widgets within the application. For instance, let's say, the user regularly accesses the weather at his location. In this case, the user need not have to navigate away from the BizTalk360 user interface to check the weather at his location. Instead, he can create his own widget within BizTalk360 that will use an API and retrieve the weather details of his location. The user can add the widget to the Dashboard and see real-time weather updates within the BizTalk360 user interface itself. The weather widget is a simple example to help you understand the importance of the feature. As a BizTalk user, users can use the custom widgets functionality for several purposes.

Dynamic Widgets

In addition to the static widgets that can be added to the dashboard, users have the capability to dynamically add (read: Pin) any feature to the Dashboard for easy access. Say, an administrator accesses the Governance/Audit section every day. All he can do is simply "Pin" the Governance/Audit section as a widget to the Dashboard. This means that he can access the Governance/Audit section very easily with a single click (from the dashboard), rather than having to navigate to the "Security" section on the left navigation menu, expanding the section, and then selecting Governance/Audit from the list.

The Pin to Dashboard icon will be represented as ‘pin’ and will be available preceding the section/feature name on all pages. To pin a page to the dashboard, click the icon and you will notice a confirmation message as "Widget Added to dashboard successfully".

Widget Sizes

The widgets on the dashboard are of specific sizes and can be customized to certain other sizes. In this article, we will see the different size customization functionalities available with the dashboard widgets. The different widget sizes available in BizTalk360 (with the dimensions) are as follows:

  • 1x1
  • 2x1
  • 2x2
  • 4x2
  • 4x4

In the below table, we will list the widgets that can be added to the dashboard, their default sizes (when added to the dashboard), and the possible sizes into which they can be resized.

Widget nameRefresh optionDefault sizeCustomization options
All Suspended InstancesYes4x42x2, 4x2
All Running Service InstancesYes4x42x2, 4x2
Suspended Service ClassYes4x42x2,4x2
Running Service ClassYes4x42x2,4x2
Suspended Application NameYes4x44x2
Running Application NameYes4x44x2
Suspended Service NameYes4x44x2
Running Service NameYes4x44x2
Suspended URIYes4x44x2
Suspended Error CodeYes4x44x2
Suspended Host NameYes4x44x2
Suspended AdapterYes4x44x2
HostsYes4x22x1, 2x2
To Do ListNo4x4None
Host InstanceYes4x42x2,4x2
Send PortsYes4x42x2,4x2
Receive LocationsYes4x22x2,4x4
Artifacts CountYes4x44x2
Monitoring ServiceYes2x22x1
Message BoxNo4x42x1,2x2,4x2
EDI Parties & AgreementsYes4x42x2
Alarm WidgetYes4x24x4, 2x2
Data MonitoringYes4x22x2,4x4
Add GroupBy ResultYes4x44x2
BizTalk Environment PropertiesNo4x22x2
Pinned WidgetsNo2x21x1,2x1
Support & DocumentationNo2x22x1
GroupBy ResultsYes4x44x2

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