Integration Account
  • 09 Nov 2021
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Integration Account

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Article summary

Integration Account is part of the Azure Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP) that is a secure, manageable and scalable container for the integration artifacts that are created. You can store maps, schemas, partners, agreements, and certificates in an Integration Account and refer them to all the Logic Apps that makes the creation of B2B processes.

Why should you use Enterprise Integration Pack?

With the Enterprise Integration Pack, you can:

  • Store all the related artifacts in one place, which is logically called the Integration Account
  • Leverage the Logic Apps engine and all its connectors to build B2B workflows and integrate with third-party SaaS applications, on-premise applications as well as custom applications
  • Leverage Azure functions

Let us consider a scenario where ACME Corp is implementing a B2B solution using logic apps. As in many other B2B integration scenarios, ACME needs to exchange EDI messages with its trading partners who accept diverse messaging protocols. To cater for this diversity, ACME needs to have trading partner specific schemas and corresponding XSLT translations. If a trading partner makes use of X12 or EDIFACT messaging protocols, then profiles need to be stored in EDI Parties and Agreements. If a trading partner makes use of secure transport protocols such as AS2 or AS4, certificates need to be stored and associated with partner agreements. The Enterprise Integration Pack helps such B2B solutions to store and organize all these artifacts into an Integration Account.


Why Integration Account in BizTalk360?

Hybrid integration projects use Integration Accounts to utilize security capabilities such as AS2 and Messaging capabilities such as EDIFACT and X12 in Logic Apps. An Integration Account is a necessity to make use of all these integration capabilities together. As a part of the increased support for Hybrid Integrations, we have introduced the Integration Account feature in BizTalk360. This feature helps users to view different artifacts like Schemas, Maps, Certificates, Partners, and Agreements within the Integration Account in configured Azure Subscriptions. With this feature in place, support personnel who is in charge of a hybrid solution spanning across BizTalk and Logic Apps need not switch between BizTalk360 and Azure portal to manage the components.


How to view Integration Accounts into BizTalk360

BizTalk360 allows its users to add multiple Azure Subscriptions; enabling the option to switch between subscriptions works seamlessly. The first step in setting up your Integration Account is to add the Azure subscription to BizTalk360. To access your Azure services, you need to integrate BizTalk360 with the Azure Active Directory (AAD) to provide a secure sign in and authorization for your services. You need to first register your application details with Azure and then add the subscription details such as Subscription Id , Client Identifier, Tenant Identifier, Application Secret Key within BizTalk360. Once the subscription is mapped, follow the below steps to see the Integration Account in BizTalk360.

  1. Navigate to Administration -> AzureServices -> Integration Account
  2. Select the added subscription and the integration account at the top bar, which list the artifacts configured under that Integration Account such as schemas, maps, certificates, partners, Agreements
  3. Click on the eye icon to view the details of each artifact


User Access Policy settings for Azure Services

In this section, the user access policy settings for Azure Services are explained. Only Super Users will have the permissions to add or remove an Azure subscription in BizTalk360. For Normal users, in order to be able to access the Azure Services section and set up monitoring on API Apps and Logic Apps, super users need to grant the permissions under the Team Management in BizTalk360 Settings.

Let's say Scott is a Normal User at ACME corp, and he has to be given permissions to access the Azure Services section within BizTalk360. Follow the steps as shown below to grant access permissions to a normal user:

  • Log into BizTalk360 (as a Super User)
  • Click the 'Settings' icon
  • Select 'Team Management' -> Manage User. Create a new user by clicking the Add User button
  • Enter the user name as Scott, domain name, and select the environment for which the user will have access (say, Testing/Staging/Non-Production). Click 'Next'
  • Choose the Applications for which the user will have permissions. Click 'Next'
  • In the User Access (module wise) section, enable the toggle for Administration section then select Azure Service check box in order for the normal user to have access to Azure Services section. You can also select the other sections/features that the user will have access to by selecting the checkboxes
  • Click 'OK' to save the user permissions

The user will get saved within BizTalk360, and the normal user will be able to access the Azure Services section.

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