Azure Service Bus Topics
  • 04 Nov 2022
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Azure Service Bus Topics

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Article summary

In contrast to queues, Service Bus Topics and Subscriptions provide a one-to-many form of communication in a publish and subscribe pattern. Topics are chosen when there are multiple receivers, For Example - there is an ordering system that registered orders for different companies, and each company needs to know about only their orders.

Manage Service Bus Topics and Subscription from BizTalk360 

The first step to seamlessly manage/monitor the Azure Service Bus Topics/Subscription from BizTalk360 is to configure the respective Azure subscription under Environment Settings. User might have multiple subscriptions which contain different Service Bus, all the subscriptions can be registered. Once the Subscription is added all the available Service Bus Topics and Subscriptions will be listed along with their state and message count details. Follow this article to add a subscription.

View Topics from BizTalk360

  • To view the available Topics navigate to Administration ->Azure Services ->Service Bus ->Topics. 
  • Select the Azure subscription from the drop-down and click Run query to view the available Topics along with their state and subscription count.
  • Click on each Topic to view its subscription along with its state and message count 
  • Select the Subscription from the list and click on the eye icon to view the Subscription and its message properties in detail. The Subscription property blade lists Subscription details such as Subscription, Resource group, Creation Time, Status, etc . and Message properties such as Message counts, sizes, etc  
  • The rich query filter capability allows the user to filter the query based on Topic Status, Resource group, Namespace, and Topic Name. Save the query and pin for quick access. 

Update State 

Service Bus Topics and Subscriptions have the following states

  • Active - Topic/Subscription is active to send or receive Message 
  • Disabled – Topics/Subscription is suspended 
  • Send Disable - User can’t send messages to Subscription (This state is applicable only for Topics)
  • Receive Disable- Subscription can't receive messages from Topics (This state is applicable only for Subscription)

The state of Topics or subscriptions can be changed by selecting the Topics/Subscription and choosing the states at top of the grid.

Process Message

Like Queues, BizTalk360 users can send single/bulk messages to Topics and purge the subscription messages from BizTalk360.

Send Message -  Select the Topic which is in Active state and click on the Message button which drops an option to send, upload, and purge messages. Select send which opens the send message blade, In the blade update the actual message to send and update the count i.e number of times the message to be sent, and then click send button. In addition to the message, the user can also push the user properties from here.

Session Id is required to send or receive messages from Session Queues.

Upload Message -This option allows the user to send multiple messages by updating the message in excel and uploading the excel workbook. Each message updated in excel should have values for  Message-Id, Message Content, system, and Custom properties must be updated in excel to upload the message. user can use the template provided for reference to update the message. 

 Select the Topic which is in Active state and click on the Message->upload, In the message, upload blade upload the messages through excel.

Message detailsTypeExample
Message Id Integer1
Message Content JSON{"Message": "Hello! From BizTalk360"}
System Properties JSON{"Label":"BizTalk360Message","EnqueuedTimeUtc":"2018-02-20T05:04:48.7828361Z","ContentType":"json","CorrelationId":null,"EnqueuedSequenceNumber":113,"ForcePersistence":false,"PartitionKey":"1","ReplyTo":null,"ReplyToSessionId":null,"ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc":null,"SessionId":"1","State":"Active","TimeToLive":"14.00:00:00","To":null,"ViaPartitionKey":null}
Custom PropertiesJSON{"CustomProperty1": "Property1","CustomProperty2":"Property2"}

Purge Message - Purge message allows user to delete the Active and Dead letter messages from the Subscription. User can delete all the messages or delete older messages based on the count. 

Access and Security 

All the state change operations and message processing operations performed by users are audited under the Governance and audit section.

By default, super users can manage the Topics and Subscriptions from BizTalk360. However, the following access permission is required for the normal user to manage service bus Topics and Subscriptions 

  • Azure service - To view the service bus Topics and Subscriptions
  • Manage Service Bus Topics- To manage the state and process the message of Topics and Subscription

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