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Article summary

Release Date: 25 May 2018

Brand New Features

FeatureAbout the featureSection in BizTalk360
Import & ExportWe have enhanced the existing import & Export functionality for users to be able to export User Access Policies, saved queries, and Secure SQL queries (along with their configurations) from one environment (ie. QA/Development/UAT) and import them as it is into another environment (ie. Production). The users can also change the configuration while importing into the destination environment.Settings > Import And Export
Stop Alerts for Maintenance improvementWe have added the capability to allow the user to set up multiple (future) maintenance windows, along with a notification message being shown on the Operations Dashboard and Alert maintenance screen. Historical maintenance schedules are preserved for auditing purposes.Settings > Monitoring and notification


EnhancementComments/Fix ProvidedSection in BizTalk360
Pagination for Improved PerformanceImplemented pagination across the board in BizTalk360 to improve the performance and usability in each grid view. This will divide the grid dynamically, into separate pages, using the System Settings configuration and user can also change the grid page size dynamically.Across the application
Renaming Message PatternImplemented the capability to rename the message pattern title, directly from the Message Pattern detailed view.Home > Analytics> Message Patterns
Filters for all the grid columnsThe BizTalk360's grid columns got a new makeover! This new capability is specially designed to improve grid performance in high-volume environments. Filtering grid columns could result in a good end-user experience and get faster-desired result.Home > Operations
Home > Monitoring
Host Instance restartFrom now on you don't need to go to the BizTalk Server Administration console or Windows Management instrumentation to restart the host instances. This new capability is provided in BizTalk360.Home > Operation > Infrastructure settings > Host Instances
Home > Operation > Infrastructure settings > Host > Host Instance
Restart option for the Analytics and Monitoring servicesImplemented restart functionality for the Monitoring & Analytics services, where you can perform a restart operation within BizTalk360, without switching to Windows services.Settings > Analytics Health > Analytics Service Status
Settings > BizTalk360 Health > Monitoring Service Status
Email Alert with High ImportanceWe have provided an option in the Alarm configuration screen to set a High Priority for the email notifications. This functionality is very much useful for Support people to determine the priority of the emails.Home > Operations > Monitoring > Manage Alarm
Business Rules are not displayed in the application section, when the user doesn't have access to Business Rules composerIn Application section, Business rules are not displayed when the user doesn’t have access to the actual Business Rules Composer in BizTalk360. This limitation is relaxed and the user is able to view the business rules associated with the applications, although they don't have access to the Business Rules Composer.Home > Operations > Application support > Application > Business Rules
Export to Excel Implementation for all the sections in Operation and MonitoringThis is an existing functionality in many of the sections in BizTalk360. In this release, we have implemented it in all applicable modules, where the user can download and save data quickly and easily using the Export to Excel capability.Home > Operations
Home > Monitoring
Terminate option not available for Service Instances with scheduled statusEarlier the Terminate option for Scheduled Service Instances was not implemented. We received this feature request from some of our customers and we have implemented an option now for Scheduled Service Instances that can be terminated from BizTalk360.Home > Operations > Message Box (Queries)
Enable the Zoom in/out options for the modules Graphical Message flow /message patternsWe have enhanced the view of Graphical Message flow, in the Operations section and MessagePatterns, in the analytics section with additional functionality which helps you to view the Message Patterns page to full-screen mode. In the full-screen mode, there is an option to zoom in and zoom out theMessage Flows, which is very helpful for business users who wanted to see complex architecture/flow.Home > Operations > Data Access > Graphical Flow Tracking
Home > Analytics > Message Patterns
Date & Time consistency for BAMWe have made the date & time format consistent with the BAM activity. Based on the user preferred timezone and the date & time will automatically get adjusted according to the selection.Home > Operations > Data Access > Business Activity Monitoring

Bug Fixes

Reported IssueComments/Fix ProvidedSection in BizTalk360
Service instance status is greyed out in the grid viewWhen mapping an Alarm for service instances in a BizTalk Application, the status for the service instance is greyed out, when the current count and the Error /Warning count is same. This issue is fixed and the proper status will be displayedHome > Monitoring > Manage Mapping > Applications > Service Instances
Loader is spinning forever in the Host Instances monitoring sectionThe Loader icon is spinning forever, when are fresh operation is performed in host instance monitoring section. This issue is fixedHome > Monitoring > Monitoring->Manage Mapping ->BizTalk Environment ->Host Instances
DateRange column is disabled while customizing EDI DashboardWhen we click on the customize option for the widgets in the Dashboard , the date range column is disabled but edit icon (pencil) present for this option which is therefore not required. Hence it is removed from the Widget UI.Home > Operations-> EDI Dashboard Home > Operations-> ESB Dashboard Home > Analytics-> Home
Available Memory % counters are not displayed in the graph for SQL ServerWhen the Available memory % counter for SQL server is added to the custom widget and when the widget is refreshed, the data for memory % was not getting displayed in the graph. This is fixed and now the data will be available in the widget.Home > Analytics-> Home
Validation message appears when CPU % counters for two BizTalk servers are comparedWhen the CPU % counters for two BizTalk servers are compared, a validation message appears and it is not allowing to save the widget. This issue is fixed.Home > Analytics-> Add Widget -> Custom Widget
SQLException TempDB Growth causes a performance issue when fetching data from DTA database for the widgetsBased on the auto growth settings in the SQL server, the TempDb will grow and results in SQL Exception for few widgets. The code is modified to delete the temporary tables after fetching data. Hence, data growth is controlled and there will not be any performance glitch.Home > Analytics
Unable to execute the query when "EXEC" keyword is used in the comment section in Secure SQL Queries moduleDue to security reasons, data manipulation keywords such as CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE etc., are restricted to use in theSecure SQL Queries module. When these keywords are used as column name, the restriction was applied though. We have relaxed this in our last releaseV8.7, but when the EXEC keyword is used in the query and in the comment section (including CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, etc.), this resulted in an exception. This issue is fixed.Home >Operations-> Data Access -> Secure SQL Queries
Data PurgingData purging is not happening properly for few functionalities. We have fixed this issue and purging will happen as per the schedule.Settings-> BizTalk360 Health ->Purge Data
Timeout exception in Mapping Data sub serviceExceptions of the MappingData sub service are written in the Event Log directly. This is fixed now and instead of writing into the Event Log directly the exceptions are captured in a log file.Settings-> Analytics Health -> Mapping Activity
The mouse pointer indication on query instances link in application section is irrelevant to the actual operationWhen the cursor has hovered over the Query Instances link, the cursor is not getting changed to a pointer, instead the hand symbol is shown. This user experience is improved and pointer symbol is shown to indicate the proper operation.Home > Operations->ApplicationSupport->Applications
EventLog XML exception message is not formatted in Threshold Email alertsEventLog XML exception messages are not formatted in the Threshold Monitoring Email alerts. This issue is fixed and all the exception XML messages are formatted in the email alerts for easy referenceHome > Monitoring
Up alert is not routed to Event Log, once the configured artifacts are back to the normal stateWhen the configured artifacts are back to the Expected State as per the alarm configuration, the Monitoring service will trigger an Up alert. This is not routed to the Event Log. This issue is fixed and the Up alert will be sent to the Event Log.Home > Monitoring-> Manage Alarm Home >Operations-> Data Access -> Advanced Event Viewer
Web endpoints monitoring is not working when the XPath navigator has a namespace in the response codeWeb endpoint monitoring is not working when the XPath navigator has a namespace in the response code. This issue is fixed.Home > Operations->Monitoring-> Manage Mapping -> BizTalk Environment
NT Services are sorted in the grid view based on the service nameNT services are displayed & sorted based on the service name, whereas this is not the actual case inWindows Services. This is fixed and the services are sorted based on the display name.Home > Operations-> Infrastructure Setting -> BizTalk Servers -> NT Services
Confirmation before deleting the Logic AppsIn the Azure operations section there is no confirmation message implemented while deleting a logic App. The issue is fixed.Home > Operation->Azure Services->Logic Apps
User Windows services are getting orphaned in Windows 10& 2016 ServerIn Windows 10 & 2016 Server, there are new Windows services created with dynamic values when a user logs in & out. Due to this, previous NT services configuration for the same services are getting orphaned and sending false alerts. This issue with regards to handling these dynamic services is fixed and these services are avoided to turn into the orphaned state.Home > Monitoring->BizTalk Server-> NT services\nHome > Monitoring->SQL Server-> NT services
Manage Dependency File in the Analytics folder is not persisted during the upgrade of BizTalk360During the upgrade from v8.6 to v8.7, BizTalk Reports managed dependency file is not persisted in the analytics installation folder. This leads to having to configure the Dependency File again after the upgrade process. This issue is fixed.Home > Monitoring > Alarms
Strange.Net version in Troubleshooter -> DependenciesUnder Troubleshooter -> Dependencies, where the.Net versions are displayed, there is a blank option with only 'v' word is mentioned, without any version numbers. This issue is fixed and the proper.Net versions will be displayedTroubleshooter-> Dependencies
b360_BizTalkDB_Tbl_sizesgrowthThe data in the table dbo.b360_BizTalkDB_Tbl_sizes is growing at a rate of approximately one record per table per minute, causing a performance issue. This is fixed and data is properly purged and removed from the tableHome > Analytics-> Reporting
Exception in the Artifact Tracker sub serviceIn Analytics, the ArtifactTracker sub service throws an exception when the regional settings contain a dot or space in the date format option. This issue is fixed; Message pattern and Analytics data, such as message count, will be displayed as expected irrespective of the date format option.Settings -> Analytics Health -> Artifact Tracker
There is a mismatch in the ReceiveLocation schedule time window property display, during the daylight savingsThere is a mismatch in the Receive Location schedule time window property, during the daylight savings. This issue is fixed and proper time will be displayed as per the user profile time zone and format.Home > Operations-> Application support -> Application -> Receive Location
Unnecessary link "More" is shown in for single line exception messages, across the applicationWhen an exception message has only a single line, an unnecessary "More" link is shown. This is removed now. Only for large exceptions, this link is provided.Across the application
Removed Host Instance cache functionalityEnvironment host instances are displayed in another environment, due to caching the state of Host Instance in BizTalk360. This issue is fixed and only the corresponding host Instances will be displayed in the respective environment.Home > Operations-> Infrastructure Setting->Host
Creation Time and suspended time are not displayed in the local time zone in the Data Monitoring emailsWhen Data Monitoring is configured for Message Box Data, the Creation Time and Suspended Time are displayed in the UTC time zone in the alert email. This is fixed and the date time is displayed in the local time zone as per the System Settings.Home > Monitoring-> Data Monitoring
KB Articles are not displayed when navigating from an Analytics widget to MessageBox queries sectionWhile navigating from the Suspended Service Instance widget from the Analytics section to the message Box Queries section in Operations, associated KB articles are not displayed for corresponding Service instances. This issue is fixed now.Home > Analytics-> Home
Orphaned applications are not displayed in the application section, due to application count limitation for the trial license.BizTalk360 allows displaying only 100 applications in the Application section. Orphaned applications are not shown due to this limitation for removal. This issue is fixed; now orphaned applications can be removed.Home > Monitoring-> Manage mapping -> Application
Grid column resize issue across the applicationBrowser zoom size is not set to default (100%), grid columns are not resizable. This issue is fixed now and irrespective of the zoom settings grid columns are resizable.Across the application
BAM Filter issueFilter conditions End With, Start With, Later & On or Later are not working. This is fixed and the user will filter data using those filters.Home >Operations-> Data Access -> Business Activity Monitoring
Download Related documents from Database or Archive FolderPreviously, unable to download the related documents from the database. This is fixed and now, related documents can be downloaded from a database or archive location.Home >Operations-> Data Access -> Business Activity Monitoring
Detailed information is not shown when there is custom activity id for the BAM viewsDetailed information is not shown for the BAM activity which has custom activity id. This issue is fixed.Home >Operations-> Data Access -> Business Activity Monitoring

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