Tracking Data Collection
  • 08 Jul 2024
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Tracking Data Collection

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Article summary

BizTalk360 allows users to collect tracking data to be aware of the failure rate and the messaging performance. The Analytics service of the product will start collecting tracking data for all the counters of the selected type. Users can optimize the tracking data collection by selecting the required tracking data metrics for each category. This way the Analytics service will start collecting data for only the selected tracking data metrics.

In this section, we will take a detailed look at:

  1. How to enable the tracking data collection at the environment level
  2. How to optimize the tracking data collection

Enable Tracking Data Collection at Environment level

The tracking data collection can be enabled for an environment by navigating to (Environment Settings -> Analytics -> Tracking Data Collection).

Click and enable the Tracking Data Collection toggle. Once it is enabled, the BizTalk360 Analytics service will start collecting tracking data for all the servers under the corresponding environment.

Manage Tracking Data Collection

To narrow down the data collection at server level, users can optimize the tracking data collection by selecting the metrics under an environment. With this option, users can choose the required tracking data metrics, so that BizTalk360 will start collecting data only for that metrics.

For instance, you can select the ports for which you need to view the failure rate. In this way, the Analytics service will start collecting data for only that metric. This avoids extensive database growth and improves performance.

Initially, all the counters will be selected when the tracking data collection is enabled. The counters will be updated for selection only after the next polling cycle (15 mins later ).

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