  • 28 Jun 2024
  • 13 Minutes to read
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Article summary

BizTalk360 has the capability to import and export the configuration between environments. The capability allows you to export/import the following configuration:

  • Alarms with its mappings
  • User Access Policies
  • Saved Queries
  • Secure SQL Queries
  • Dashboard
  • Custom Widgets
  • Knowledge Base
  • Application Group
  • Automated Task
  • Schedule Maintenance

The import and export configuration feature can be accessed only by the super user from the Environment Settings of BizTalk360 web portal.

Exporting configuration

By clicking the Export option, you can view the Export section where all the configured features of the selected environment are displayed. After exporting the configuration, and based on the user's need, the user can import the configuration into a different environment.
By default, all the configurations of the features will be selected. In other words, in case you have created multiple alarms, all alarms will be shown and selected.

Exporting Alarms

The Alarms grid contains the details of the alarms, being the alarm name, type and the configured email id.

Exporting User Access Policies

In this section, the grid contains the domain name, username and whether the user is super user/NT Group and the environment access details.

Exporting Application Group

In this section, the grid contains the group name, and the associated applications count which you can export the required. 

Exporting Saved Queries

In this section, all the queries of the selected environment will be displayed for the following sections:

  1. Message Box Queries
  2. Graphical Flow Tracking
  3. Advanced Event Viewer
  4. ESB Exception
  5. Business Activity Monitoring
  6. Electronic Data Interchange
  7. Logic Apps

Exporting Secure SQL Queries

The Secure SQL Queries grid contains the secure SQL queries name, their corresponding data base and the SQL instance.

Exporting Knowledge Base

The number of available Knowledge Base articles of the selected environment will be displayed, according to the following sections:

  1. Service Instances
  2. Event Logs
  3. Throttling Data
  4. ESB Exceptions

Exporting BizTalk Reports

The Reports grid contains the details of the Reports and their associated Dashboard, being the Report Name, Status, Type.

Exporting Dashboards

The first screen of the Export User Dashboard feature, the Dashboard grid, contains the details of the dashboards, being the User Name, Domain Name, Dashboard Type, Dashboard Name and whether the dashboard is a Global Dashboard or not.

If the dashboard is a Global Dashboard, then the User Name and Domain Name will not be displayed because the dashboard will be accessed by all the user under the environment. The dashboard details will be displayed according to the environment selection.

Exporting Custom Widgets

The export process of the Custom Widgets shows the names of the custom widgets. User can select the desired custom widgets which they want to export.

Exporting Automated Tasks

The number of tasks available in the selected environment will be listed from all sections like Application, Artifacts, Host Instances, NT services, PowerShell Scripts and Custom flows.

The automated task grid contains the details of the task like the task name, Resource type, Resource details, and Schedule Type.

Exporting Schedule Maintenance

Users are able to export the available active one-time and recurrence schedules under maintenance. the expired schedules will be auto deleted so that won't be exported. The Export Schedule maintenances grid contains the details like Schedule name, Schedule type, Start time, End time, and summary.

Importing Configuration

The alarm import procedure consists of four steps, allowing you to import a previously exported file. You have the flexibility to import these files in either the same environment or a different one.

Below are the 4steps in the import process,

  1. Select File - User can select the exported file, which they want to import in target environment.
  2. Import Configurations -User allows to select the desired alarm(s) in the import configuration section. Besides that, you have the following capabilities:
    • Disable/Enable the alarms during the import configuration itself.
    • Overwrite existing alarms- User can import the alarms which is already in the destination environment with different mappings.
    • Email id’s - User able to the update the different email ids while import configuration.
    • Alarm Rename- User can rename the alarms on import configuration as per the requirement.
    • Server Mapping - User can map the BizTalk server, SQL, IIS servers available and the Event log data monitoring in the target environment. Once the selection has been made, the user can move to the next section by clicking the Next button.
  3. Import Summary - If you need to make any changes to the alarm import configuration, make sure you perform them during the current step. After this step, you cannot make any changes. Click Import to import the alarm configuration into the destination environment.
  4. Result Summary - The selected alarms and associated configurations will be imported into the destination environment. You will notice a confirmation message as 'Import process completed. See the result summary below!'. Click "Close Import Wizard" to close the import wizard screen and return to the Import and Export Configuration page.

Application Group Import Configuration

Import Configuration

While importing Application Group from another environment, it will check the application group's name whether it is already existing or not in the current environment and also check the associated application that whether it is available in this environment or not.

Once the ZIP file has been imported, the user can edit the application group name.
For importing Application Group, there are two options. 

  • Create - The create option is available for the newly importing application group.
  • Overwrite - This option will replace the existing application group.

Once the selection has been made, the user can move to the next section by clicking the “Next” button.

Import Summary

This section provides a summary of your selections and chosen options, so far.

Result Summary

This section provides the result summary of the Application group import process.

User Access Policy

Import Configuration

While importing User Access Policy, from another environment, it will check the domain name and username whether already existing or not in the current environment.

Once the ZIP file has been imported, the user can edit the domain name and the username, based on their environment.
For importing User Access Policies, there are three options. For super user’s configuration, only the “Create” option is available (Access to all the environments and features based on the license policies).
Three options exist for Non-Super Users:

  • Create - The Create option is available for both super and non-super Policies
  • Overwrite - This option will replace the existing User Access Policy configuration of the non-super user.
  • Merge - This option will merge already existing User Access Policies in the destination environment with the imported policies.

Once the selection has been made, the user can move to the next section by clicking the “Next” button.

Import Summary

This section provides a summary of your selections and chosen options, so far.

Result Summary

This section provides the result summary of the User Access Policies import process.

Saved Queries

Import Configuration

The zip file contains saved queries from the exported environment for the following sections:

  1. Message Box Queries
  2. Graphical Flow Tracking
  3. Advanced Event Viewer
  4. ESB Exception Data
  5. Business Activity Monitoring
  6. Electronic Data Interchange
  7. Logic Apps

Based on the user’s need, the selection can made and move to the next section by clicking the Next button.

While importing the Logic Apps saved queries need to make sure that the "Friendly Subscription Name" is same as in the environment i.e from which the saved query is exported.

Import Summary

This section provides a summary of your saved query selections so far.

Result Summary

This section provides the result summary of Saved Queries import process with detailed information whether the import was successful or not and about the create or overwrite operation(s).

Secure SQL Queries

Import Configuration

In Secure SQL Queries, the queries which come out of the box with BizTalk360 are not imported. So, only user-created Secure SQL Queries will be imported. Once the ZIP file has been imported, the grid contains the details of secure SQL query name, database name and SQL instance name which can be edited before moving to the next section.

Import Summary

This section provides the summary of your Secure SQL Queries selections made so far.

Result Summary

This section provides the result summary of Secure SQL Queries import process with information whether the import was successful or not and about the create or overwrite operation(s).

Knowledge Base

Import Configuration

The ZIP file will contain the Knowledge Base articles from the exported environment, for the following sections:

  1. Service Instances
  2. Event Logs
  3. Throttling Data
  4. ESB Exceptions

Importing the Knowledge Base configuration allows you to select the desired Knowledge Base sections. Besides that, you have the following capability:

  • In case of an existing article, the user can choose to Overwrite or Ignore articles with the same name under the respective environment.

The user can progress to the next section by clicking the “Next” button.

Import Summary

This section provides the summary of your Knowledge Base selections so far.

Result Summary

This section provides the Result Summary of the Knowledge Base import process, with detailed information whether the import was successful or not and about the create and/or overwrite operation(s).

BizTalk Reports

Import Configuration

The ZIP file will contain the BizTalk Report schedule(s) and the associated reports from the exported environment. The Import configuration section allows you to select the schedule(s) and the associated reports. Besides that, you have the following capabilities:

  • Disable/Enable the BizTalk Report schedule after import.
  • Overwrite existing schedule(s) in the destination environment.
  • Provide different Email Id’s
  • Rename the schedule on import.

Once the selection has been made, the user can move to the next section by clicking the Next button.

Import Summary

This section provides the summary of the BizTalk Reports schedule(s) and the associated reports selections so far.

The user can progress to importing the selected BizTalk Reports by clicking the Import button.

Result Summary

This section provides the Result Summary of the BizTalk Reports import process.


Import Configuration

While importing Dashboards from another environment, the import will check whether the domain name and the username already exist in the current environment. If the user or domain does not exist in the destination environment, it will show information as below.

The user can edit the Username and Domain Name as in User Access Policies and the user can import the Dashboard(s) to the destination environment. If the user exists in any of the NT Groups in the User Access Policies, then they can map the NT Group to the required user and import the dashboard.

Next, BizTalk360 will also check if the environment has the required User Access Policies and License Policies for the sections Operations, Analytics, EDI, and ESB. If the access is not available, then the user cannot import the dashboard.

The Overview Dashboard for the types of Operations, Analytics, EDI and ESB are the default dashboard, which cannot be created. The user can only Overwrite the existing default dashboard.

Once the ZIP file has been imported, the user can edit the Domain Name, Username and the Dashboard Name, based on the requirement. The Overview dashboard cannot be edited because, it is a default dashboard, and the user cannot edit the username and the domain name for it.

For importing the Dashboard(s), there are two operations that can be performed:

  • Create - The user can create the dashboard when the dashboard does not yet exist in the destination environment.
  • Overwrite - If the dashboard already exists in the destination environment, then the user can overwrite the dashboard on the destination environment.

Once the selection has been made, the user can move to the next section by clicking the Next button.

If the edited Dashboard Name already exists in the target environment, the import process will overwrite the existing dashboard, otherwise it will automatically change the operation to Create dashboard.

Import Summary

This section will display the summary of the selected dashboards so far. In that, for each dashboard, it will display the operation which will be performed. The user can change the import settings in this step. After this, the selected dashboard(s) will be imported into the destination environment.

Result Summary

This section provides the result summary of the Dashboard import process.

Custom Widgets

Import Configuration

While importing Custom Widgets, the process will check whether the widget already exists in the target environment. If it exists, the import process will Overwrite the existing widget. If not, the widget will be created in the target environment.


For Custom Widgets, Placeholders and Logo will not be imported. Users should recreate the placeholder(s) in the destination environment and place the Logo in the respective path "BizTalk360\Web\Integrations\Logos"

Import Summary

This section provides the summary of your custom widgets selection so far and it will display the operations which will be performed.

Result Summary

This section provides the result summary of the Custom Widgets import process. It provides detailed information whether the import was successful or not and about the Create and/or Overwrite operation(s).

Automated Task

The automated task can be imported from one environment to another when you want to have the same configurations. This will help you to save time instead of creating the tasks manually.

Import Configuration

When importing, you are allowed to select the required tasks from the import configuration section along with that you will be able to update the task as below,

  • Disable/Enable the tasks during the import configuration itself.
  • Email id’s - User able to the update the different email ids while import configuration.
  • Task Rename- User can rename the alarms on import configuration as per the requirement.
  • Overwrite existing task - User can import the task which is already in the destination environment with different mappings.
  • User can map the BizTalk server, SQL, IIS servers available in the target environment. Once the selection has been made, the user can move to the next section by clicking the Next button.

Import summary.

If you want to make any changes to the tasks import configuration, make sure you perform them during the current step.

You can preview the import configurations and their artifact mappings in the "view mapping" section, here the orphaned artifacts indication will be shown and those will be removed automatically. If you wish to change the configuration still, you can click on the Back option to proceed.

  • Application Task - no view mapping will be available, if the mapped application is not available in target environment, Task import process will be failed.
  • Application Artifacts - User can view mapped artifacts in "view mapping" option. User will be acknowledged if those artifacts are not present in the target environment as Orphaned.
  • Host Instance - User can view mapped host instances in "view mapping" option. User will be acknowledged if those host instances are not present in the target environment as Orphaned. 
  • Logic app - Task import will be failed if the target environment does not have desired azure subscription with same logic app.
  • NT services - User can view mapped services in "view mapping" option. User will be acknowledged if those services are not present in the target environment as Orphaned.
  • IIS Server Task - User can view mapped app pools in "view mapping" option. User will be acknowledged if those app pools are not present in the target environment as Orphaned.
  • Custom workflow - Here same as other task user can view mapped alarms, artifacts, host instances in "view mapping" option. User will be acknowledged if those are not present in the target environment as Orphaned.

Click Import to import the automated task into the destination environment. The selected task and its configurations will be imported into the destination environment.

Result Summary

You will notice a confirmation message as 'Import process completed. See the result summary below!'. 

Along with that, you can view the import status of each task with reason in case of failure/partial and associated artifacts mapping.

Click "Close Import Wizard" to close the import wizard screen and return to the Import and Export Configuration page.

Schedule Maintenance

As like other sections, you can pick the desired schedules and import them to another environment. This will be helpful when you need to have similar schedule maintenance configurations in different environments or when you upgrade to the latest version from the older version. 

Import Configuration

you can pick the desired schedules and be allowed to the perform changes like 

  • Schedule rename.
  • Overwrite the existing schedule maintenance in the destination environment.
  • BizTalk360 allows user to perform schedule end-time changes during import process, to avoid the import failure of schedules with expired end time.

If you want to make any changes to the schedules import configuration, make sure you perform them during the current step.

Import summary.

You can preview the import configurations along with associated alarms in the view mapping option and if you wish to change still can click on the Back option to proceed.

Click Import to import the automated task into the destination environment. The selected task and its configurations will be imported into the destination environment.

Result Summary

You will notice the "Import process succeeded" message, with the result summary below. Along with that, you can view the import status of each task with reason in case of failure/partial.

Click Close Import Wizard to close the import wizard screen and return to the Import and Export Configuration page.

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