IBM MQ - Troubleshooting
  • 31 Jul 2024
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IBM MQ - Troubleshooting

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Article summary

Steps to establish client server connection

  • Open MQ Explorer as Administrator in Client machine. 
  • Right click on Queue Manager and click "Add Remote Queue Manager".
  • Enter the Queue Manager present in server machine that you are trying to connect. Choose "Connect directly".
  • Enter the Host name or IP address of the server machine and the respective Queue Manager's Channel Port Number
  • Click "Next" twice and Check "Enable user identification" and Provide the BizTalk360 User Account. 
  • Click "Next" until last screen and enter the provided user account password when prompted.

Errors while connecting from BizTalk360 to IBM MQ

User might face errors or technical challenges while configuring BizTalk360 to monitor IBM MQ queues. Some of the common error codes are:

  • MQRC_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_NAME - Reason: Queue name is wrong or Specified Queue not available in the Queue Manager.
  • 2035 – MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED / AMQ4036

We can see the details about the errors and resolution:

Names are case sensitive in MQ, hence always check the provided values in BizTalk360 is same as in MQ Explorer


Connect to a queue manager but the attempt to allocate a conversation to the remote system failed.


  1. The connection name in the client channel definition is incorrect
  2. The listener has not been started on the remote system
  3. The network is currently unavailable
  4. A firewall blocking the port, or protocol-specific traffic
  5. The security call initializing the IBM MQ client is blocked by a security exit on the SVRCONN channel at the server


  1. Make sure all the connection details provided (Queue Manager name, Host name, Port, User Account and Password) is correct.
  2. Right on Queue Manager and click "Remote Administration". Ensure that SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN channel and Listener.TCP listener are available (If not available create new one) and the listener status is "Running" else Start the listener
  3. In the client machine, run the following command in PowerShell to check the check network connectivity:
    Test-NetConnection -ComputerName serverHostname -Port portNumber -InformationLevel Detailed



  1. The user account trying to access the Queue Manager is blocked by Channel Authentication Records


Either delete the "Block" rule that contains the User List as "*MQADMIN" or Modify/Add rule that allows the user account.

Please refer to this document for instructions on overriding the default rule for an MQ-admin user: IBM MQ - Permissions



  1. The default queue manager is not running
  2. The MQ listener program associated with the default queue manager is not running
  3. The default queue manager is not defined on the local system


  1. Determine the name of the queue manager
  2. Verify that the queue manager exists on the local machine, and that it is running
  3. Verify that the listener program is running
  4. Verify that queue manager trying to connect is the default queue manager
  5. If necessary, make queue manager as the default queue manager

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